Chapter 7

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Lafayette's POV

Did I mention the pants where basically hugging my legs?

Anyways, back to Herc.

As I walked out of the bathroom, I noticed Hercules was cuddling a teddy bear?

Let me explain more, Mon Ami. Okay, so he had a sort of big-sized teddy bear, a actual bear, by the way. He had the bear facing away from him, and had his legs wrapped around its upper waist, lower torso. Then his arms wrapped around its upper torso.

Hercules was cuddling it in a way I've only imagined to be cuddled, and he also basically had his face in the bears neck.

He also was. . . singing? I guess I had caught him exactly at the beginning of the song, because of happened to be my favorite song, The Moon Song.

I let him sing a few lines;

I'm lying on the moon,
My dear I'll be there soon,
Its a quiet and starry place,
Times were swallowed up,
In space were here, a million miles away.

I finally decided to join him, causing him to look at me with his beautiful eyes, entrancing me while singing

Hercules POV

Laf had caught me singing, and started to sing too? I looked back up at him, still singing. He stepped closer to me, and I unraveled myself from Teddy.

Herc and Laf:
There's things I wish I knew,
There's nothing I'd keep away from you,
Its a dark and shiny place
But with you my dear
I'm safe and were a million miles away

I got off of the bed and started to slowly walk closer to my dear.

Herc and Laf:
We're lying on the moon
Its a perfect afternoon
Your shadow follows me all day
Making sure that I'm okay
And we're a million miles away

We'd finished singing The Moon Song, and began cup one-anothers face. I leaned in

Lafayette's POV

I began to cup this beautiful mans fragile face, leaning in.

He had the same idea, for he leaned in too, and for the second time, we kissed.

It was as wonderful as the first! It still felt like fireworks where going off everywhere, and I felt safe, and happy. I really hope he felt the same.

Hercules POV

I done-diddidly kissed him. I kissed the Lafayette.

It felt like the first time we kissed, ya know? Like, there was nothing else in the world. And I mean nothing.

He reached for my neck!

Wait, dosnt that mean like they want more? People have always said; "if they reach for your neck, they want more!"

I eventually found myself also reaching for his neck, kissing him more.

God, I love him so much. He's just.. Perfect.
Like God himself handcrafted him.

-time skip brought to you by Regina George sliding into your DMS with a text: get in loser, we're going shopping-

(Also, I don't write smut because I'm too young, too pure. Well, just kidding on the too pure, but still, I don't write smut)

Lafayette's POV

After kissing that wonderful man, we broke apart. It was still the best few minutes of my life. Allow me to be more descriptive:

While we kissed, our lips moved in sync. Causing it to if possible, be even better.

I got snapped out of my only though: Hercules Mulligan.

"Hey, do you wanna go on like, a date on Friday? I know its tomorrow. But do you?" Hercules asked, looking into my eyes with his own googly eyes.

"Why of course, Mon cher, anything if I get to be with you." I answered, blushing.

Aww, he turned a dark shade of red.


I know that's a shitty place to leave this chapter, but I am a lil busy. Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful fucking Christmas, or Kwanza, or Hanuka, whatever it is you desire to do. I hope it is fantastic. Anyways, thank you guys so FUCKIN much for 314 reads.

Word count: 666

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