Chapter 6

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(I listened to the song above while writing this, so feel free to listen to it!)

Peggy's POV

So like, we all just caught Lafayette and Hercules in a heated make out session.
"Should we go?" I ask sceptically

Everyone answers for them;
"Yeah" and that my friend, is how we all left while catching laf and Herc making out.

Hercules POV

When they closed the door, I kissed my love, I mean friend, one more time and left to go to the library. For no reason in particular...

-time skip brought to you by Hercules in rainbow nail polish to herc being in the library printing a picture out-

I was printing out a picture of The Beautiful Lafayette, for no reason in particular.... Okay okay, maybe i wanted to put the picture on my wall and put Mon amour on it. It was just so beautiful, and he was mine and mine only. Anyways, I was caught by none other than Alexander Hamilton.

Alexander Hamilton's POV

I'd gone to the library to bring back some books and then check out more on turtles. You guess for who. While going to grab some books on law, I noticed someone. Printing out a picture...?

I walked closer to the man, realizing it was Hercules Mulligan. Wonder what he's doing here? I noticed on what the picture was and it was just a lil square with a face in it.

Wait wait wait wait, is that Lafayette's face?

Hercules POV

I feel a tap on my shoulder and look down to Hamilton. Great, he's noticed.

"What are you doing herc?"

"Printing out a picture doofus."

"Yeah. I can see that, of what though?"

"Marquis de Lafayette." I grabbed the picture of the printer, terribly happy that the fucking printer was done printing the picture.


"Why not, Hamilton? You have so many pictures of Laurens on your wall. Why can't I have a fucking picture of Lafayette on my wall?" And on that note, I left the library.

Alex POV

I guess he really did like Lafayette. Anyways, I decided to forget about it and check out my books, and left for my dorm. Jon was playing with his turtle, Lexi.

He hurriedly put his cute lil turtle back and rushed over to me.

"What's up hun?" I asked as he hugged the fuckel outta me.

"You were gone for 5 more minutes then usual. What happened?"

Fuck. Should I tell him? Should I not tell him? I decided to imagine a coin being flipped. Tails for tell him, heads for not tell him.

I flipped the coin.

Heads! Yay!

"Um, I just, uh, couldn't find anymore turtle books, I got a kind lady to help me."

"Okay, but I really missed you!" He said, grinning before mashing his lips against mine. I couldn't help but think about what he did waiting for me. I was gone for at least 20 minutes. Eh, dosnt matter, I kissed him back, with my luck, it turned into a make out session.

Hercules POV

I got back to my dorm, noting that Lafayette was in the bathroom. ( *cough* *cough* remember that time when you were in the bathroom and he barged in? *cough* *cough*)

I decided to get to work, fuuuuudge. There was no tape. Although, I did find a sharpie. Quickly writing 'Mon amour' on the back of the photo. Don't ask where I got the photo. GOD FINALLY!

I FOUND THE TAPE!! Without a minute to spare, I cut the picture into a heart, making sure to not cut out his face, or the writing on the back of it. Quickly tapping it to the wall, praying Lafayette dosnt notice, I marvel at my work.

Lafayettes POv

I silently walked out of the bathroom, only in a towel. Before you judge me, I forgot to grab pants. I hurriedly grabbed some pants, not noticing they where Hercules' pants.

I guess I wasn't quick enough to look around because let me tell more about me searching. Hercules was staring at me like I was the only actual thing in the world. No joke. The main thing he was staring at was my chest and face. Both beaded with water drops.

He finally got up and helped me. During our stumble around, I noticed a... Picture on his wall of some guy?

I think twas the moment my heart stopped. And by heart, I mean entire body.

The guy was me.

Hercules noticed what I was staring at and blushed. God, he's so cute when he blushes.

Fuck. I said that. I hurried to the bathroom, and threw on the pants.

With my luck they fit, and made my ass look better. I walked out of that steamy place, only to find Hercules was-


Lordy I'm mean. Sorry for not uploading for a while. Been busy or whatever. I hope you guys like it! And ho-ly fuck! WE HAVE 27 VOTES AND 200 READS!!! DOOOOODS! HOW? Merci so, so so much! I love you all soooo much!

Word count: 850 words.

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