Chapter 9

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Ha, sorry I havnt been really uploading. I've been having problems with uh, depression, and I just don't feel like I need to exist, and I feel like everyone else would be better off without me.

Anyways, I don't want you guys to think that way. Because without YOU guys, I wouldn't be here.

I've gotten so many reads and its the one of the reasons I'm alive, because I don't want to dissapoint you guys.



Hamilton's POV

"I'M FREAKING OUT MAN, I CAN'T DECIDE WHAT TO WEAR" ah, the usual. I was getting screamed at by the one and only, Hercules mulligan about his date today. (It Friday)

"Bro, just chill. Wear something that defines you, I'm sure he loves you anyways. That or wear a suit. Lafayette told me he's a slut for suits."

I stifle a laugh as I remember the time laf told me that..

"I DONT OWN ANY SUITS. WAIT, YES I DO. I'm calm. I found a suit. Its black with a blue tie. What's lafs opinion on those?"

Alright, this time I defiantly laughed... Like, I guess you could say I.....laffed

Sorry I'm not sorry.

"Oh yeah, he said he's a absolute whore for black suits" don't ask me why I remember that. I remember small things. I have a photographic memory. Which fucking sucks some times.

"D'accord, thanks Mon Ami" a French man said

Wait. But, I was talking to herc...?

I hung up.

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