Chapter 4

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Laurens POV

So like...turtles are great. Wait no, that wasn't what I was going to say. French fry likes my boi Herc. And Herc like my new boi Laffy Taffy. This is great. We've all been trying to get Herc with someone, forever. So herc posted a picture of Lafayette to the group chat. We all secretly saw it.. So now we're all staring at him. Well, Lafayette is staring at a picture of Daveed Diggs now. But still. Poor Hercules, he's as red as a tomato...

Lafayette's POV

I was acting like I wasn't paying attention, but secretly was. I felt bad for Hercules considering everyone was looking at him. I decided to try to act up, say something.

"Umm, Mon amis, what's going on?"

"Ce qui se passe, c'est qu'Hercule ici aime quelqu'un ici. Et a envoyé une photo d'eux pour nous tous." Hamilton spoke up.

I stared in horror. Hamilton knew French. "Comment savez-vous français ? Et qui il aime ? Im me demandais parce qu'il est vraiment cool..."

"J'ai mes ressources. En attendant, peut-on parler à ce sujet plus tard ?"

"Oui." So Hamilton wanted to talk later. I could deal with that. I just really hope Hercules dosnt like Angelica. I hope he isn't straight. Ive seen the way he looks at her. I die a lil more every time I see him look at her. I want Mon amour, I mean, Mon Ami to myself.

He's my Mon amour, I mean Mon Ami and mine only.

Hercules POV

I know a lot of French. Speak it too, so you can imagine how I felt when Lafayette said he thought I was cool. I swear, my heart just stopped.

After a few awkward minutes of silence, we all decided to leave and go back to our dorms. Well, except for the Schuyler sisters, they left for their fucking mansion.

So I was finally alone with Lafayette. It was awesome being able to be alone with him. God, I love him so much, I'd be really sad if he was straight. I hope he isn't. Anyways, I just live him. Let me tell you why.

His smile. It could bright up an entire room, he's just so beautiful.

His hair, I adore the way he puts it up in a cute lil ponytail, that looks like a poof ball. And when he takes it out, it just like, stays in place.

I'm just so happy I get to be room mates with him. Laf and I were watching Mean Girls, my favorite white girl movie, apparently his too. We were on the couch, eating popcorn. Of course, me being polite, made it for us.

We 'just acedentaly' grabbed the same price of popcorn. I play fought him over it. Like, I put the pop corn next to the end of the couch and started to wrestle him on the ground.

Damn, he was pretty strong, although we were in a laughing fit, he still got to be on top, meaning he wrestled good enough so he was on top of me. Not for long though.

I had a burst of energy and flipped him over, so I was on top, and he was on bottom. ( if you know what I mean )

This gave me and while to look at him. God, I just wanted to cuddle him, kiss him, be with him.

Oh no. He started to stare at me even more. In shock too. I'm fucked if I said that out loud.

Lafayette's POV

Wait wait wait wait.. Hercules just said he wanted to cuddle me, kiss me. Be with me. Sure we've only known each other for a few days, but I already love him.

Before I even knew what I was doing, i-----


MUAHAHAHA WHAT WILL LAFAYETTE DO NOW? god I'm so mean. But I just wanted to thank you guys so fucking much! I just hit 10 votes, and 53 views. Like, how the fuck doods? What did I do to deserve this? How? Anyways, you guys are sooooooooooo incredibly awesome! And I can't thank you guys enough for reading my story so far. Comment on like, what ships you want or whatever! I love you guys, and will see you, in the next chapter, buh byeee!!!

Word count: 720 words.

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