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Day by day passes with their own routine of being an idol. Sometimes they can't meet each other because of schedules. Both of them had become a successful idol. They only contact each other by texting and sometimes video calls..

SinB's POV

It's have been 2 months since the last time Jungkook and I met. We were busy with our own schedules but we still manage to contact each other through video calls and messager.

I lie down on my precious bed. With my sleepy eyes, I almost fall asleep. Suddenly, someone is knocking my door. I hesitated to wake up from my bed. When I open the door,

"Good afternoon my beautiful sunshine!" Jungkook shouted as he rushed to me and pull me into his embrace.

"Omg! Mr. Jeon Jungkook! I missed you so much" I said as I pouted like a kid.

"Don't call me that, call me yeobo okay? I missed you too, my jagi hehe" He chukled and hugged me tightly.

"Yeobo, I'm hungry" I said as I hugged him back.

"Want me to cook for you? Jin hyung had taught me to cook just like him" He offered to cook for me.

"Seriously?! Cook for me jusaeyooo" I did some aegyos.

"With one condition" He smirked.

"W-what condition?!" I don't know why but his smirk always make me nervous.

"Invite me inside tho, what are you thinking about, jagi?" He laughed as loud as if everyone wanna hear his laugh. Okay, the truth is , his laugh is cute.

"Aniyaaaa, I didn't think about anything, come inside then, but later don't be shy when the unnies n maknae came" I teased him.

"Why should I? I'm not the same, Kookie seonbaenim, I'm now your boyfriend, your future hubby, Mrs. Jeon" He pinched my cheeks as he walked inside our dorm.

"Mr. Jeon, should I help you with your cooking?" I offered some help for him.

"No, later the kitchen will destroy, haha" He laughed again. Gosh, I wish that I can kill him with my love right now.

I smirked out of sudden to scare him.

"W-why suddenly s-smirk?" He blinked several times.

"Just..Booyah! I won't destroy anything , I'll help you by staring at your handsomeness" I laughed loudly.

"Eyyyyyyy! If you say so, my princess" He smiled.

He started to takes out all the ingredients needed for our special lunch. He rolls up his sleeves. His arms , biceps, triceps and whatever that covered with his sleeves, just.. make me fangirl over him. My face were burning up.

"Jagi? Are you blushing?" He poked my cheeks.

"Aniyaaaaa" I shook my head.

The way he wear that apron of mine, the way he cuts the vegetables, the way he smiles while cooking.. I can't breathe properly now , omg!! Jeon Jungkook, why would you do this to me?! Going crazy~ crazy~ am i wrong (BTS - Am I wrong)

"Jagi? Are you okay?" He waved his hand.

"Omg! I'm gonna be crazy!" I said it so suddenly out of my day dreaming.

"Wait.. what? You're day dreaming" He pecked my cheeks.

Dear heart, please be normal, don't be like crazyyy!

"Hehe.. sorry, I didn't realised about it" Awkward. I rubbed the right side of my neck. (Okay, just imagine it xD)

"It's okayy, as long as you only day dreaming about me and just stare at me haha" There he goes.. Laughingg again π.π

"What if I stare on the pic of my bias? G-Dragon seonbaenim" I chuckled.

"No, no, no, just stare on my handsome face, I'm your boyfriend not G-Dragon seonbaenim ara?" He glared at me.

"Continue cooking , too much talking, G-Dragon seonbaenim~~" I teased him to make him jealous.

"I'll just go home now!" He walked to the door but I stopped him by hugging him from the back.

"I'm just kidding, you're the only one that I would stare, love and hug" I grinned.

"Jagi, you're full with cheesiness right now" He turned and face me. He hugged me tightly.

"I'm really hungry right now" I pouted.

"Our lunch almost done , jagi" He pinched my cheeks.

"Arasseo yeobo!" I said it happily.

Jungkook's POV

I prepared the dishes on the table in the dining room. SinB was busy tying her hair. She looks so pretty with her pony tail.

"Yeobo~ why are you staring at me like that?" She said while poking my cheeks.

"Just you look so amazing , jagi" I grinned.

"Mwoyaa, am I?" She makes her confusion face.

"Yes you are, now let's eat" I pinched her cheeks again and again for today.

We had spaghetti, orange juice and fruit salad for our lunch. I'm so amazed by SinB. I mean, her attitude, the way she eat, makes me insane! She's so perfect, she's cute even she's eating.

After we finished eating, we were fighting like a kiddo just because both of us wanna wash the dishes first. At the end, I just let her wash it first. I hugged her from the back while she was washing the dishes.

"Yeobo, we should get married I guess" She said it.

"What? Married? Okay let's go now" I was talking half seriously and half just joking.

"Yahhh yeobo, I'm just kidding , we're still busy with our career" She kiseed my cheeks.

"We should get married sooner, okay? I wanna be with you forever" I pouted.

"I'm yours forever, and of course we will get married sooner" She cupped my cheeks.

"I promise that I'll always love you till the death make us apart" I held both of her hands.

"And I promise to keep loving you and nothing can break us apart" I saw her eyes showing that she really being honest with our relationship.

I hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead. I knelt down and pull out a pink box that contains a bracelet with our name on it.

"Will you stay with me forever? Until I find everything for our married life sooner?"

"I do, I will stay with you forever and I'll always waiting for you to build a happy married life" She was crying as I put the bracelet on her wrist. I wiped her tears and show her my bracelet which is the same as hers.

I'm so sorry for the late and slow update. Unfortunately, I'll be hiatus for a year, until december 2017, Thank you for supporting my fanfic and I hope that you guys will always support my fanfic.

I'm really sorry..

Happy new year guys~
Hope that all of you will always be healthy and happy.
Smile always :)

See you guys next year!

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