Chapter Three: Packing Up

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Evelyn takes a step back and glances at the pile of suitcases, boxes, miscellaneous bags and whatever else she threw into the skewed mix. She would be home in a matter of two hours. She is one of the handful of students on campus that have family that is in close proximity to the university.

She has gathered this from the many friends she has made that have to take quite a road trip to go back home for the breaks. She has even talked to those who cannot return home due to expenses of the distance.

She prides herself on always being grateful for her situation. She wouldn't know what to do if she was in her friend's shoes.

"Girl did you bring your whole house out here?!" Her dorm-mate exclaims.

Evelyn glanced at her mighty high pile and shrugs nonchalantly.

"Well, I did leave behind my clothes in my second walk-in closet." She quips, eliciting a giggle from the dorm mate.

"Must be nice." The girl with the neatly plaited braids singsongs. "Meanwhile I have two suitcases and a pillow." She adds, chuckling at her exaggeration.

Evelyn rolls her eyes at her dorm mates foolery. This is why the two got along so well. They both are quite witty and a bit dramatic. The two know not of the word "censor"  and do not bite their tongue to let everyone know. They are truly dorm mates made in heaven.

"Deja, you know you brought in a whole army of people to help bring in your stuff and then set it up."

Deja giggles at Evelyn's exaggeration. The thing is, Evelyn did not exaggerate too much. Deja did, in fact, have five bodies moving in and out of their already cramped dorm room, with various belongings of Deja's. Some were new and some old, most of everything from what Evelyn surveyed on move-in day was new.

"Whatever, girl." Deja finally dismisses Evelyn with a playful sigh.

The two stare at each other for a moment before bursting into giggles. They really did enjoy one another's company this semester.

Deja lives four hours away from campus and it was hard accepting the fact that she was so close and yet so far from home. Evelyn made the transition easily on move-in day. Although they had a pile of belongings to straighten out and organize, they disregarded it to bond over their love of some random actor from their favorite movie.

Who knew a guy, that has the heart of two girls, would be the glue to bond them together for life?

Nevertheless, the two young ladies have been friends ever since.

"I swear I can't wait to get home, man!" Evelyn plops onto her naked mattress, smiling at the plushness she meets.

Deja does the same, plopping opposite of Evelyn.

"Me either. You know my mom Jamaican, right? So you know I'm finna' grub real good when I get home!" Deja chuckles licking her lips for emphasis.

Evelyn smiles at the girl. She almost forgot that she had a touch of Jamaican in her blood. It must be nice to be apart of another culture. Evelyn even respectfully envied Deja for her diversity.

"Eat some for me too then, you know I'm eatin' the standard black shit."

Deja leans up on her elbows and glances at Evelyn indifferently.

"Girl, I love me some neck bones and collards! Just as much as I love jerk chicken and gungo rice and peas. Better stop complaining!" Deja scolded Evelyn, returning to her original position.

Evelyn once again rolls her eyes at her dorm mate and counts the popcorn looking puffs on the ceiling. She really won't miss the congestion those puffs gave her during her early allergy season.

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