Chapter Twenty-Seven: Frustrations & Conclusions

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Evelyn is so fucking sore. She has been for the past two days now. She thought first times were supposed to be painful during the actual first time, not afterward. Her groin feels like someone smashed something into it. She would blame George but he was gentle. He did speed up toward the end but Evelyn was comfortable with that. She does not understand why she is still in pain, though.

Evelyn closes her eyes as the water hit her fast and hard. She allowed the showers tears to alleviate her pain momentarily. George is in the kitchen throwing together brunch or a very late lunch for them.

Evelyn is appreciative of that. She knows how to cook but it is obvious that George knows a bit more about the kitchen than she does. She can make simple meals and George can make full cuisines. Evelyn wonders what that boy cannot do, besides pass Organic Chemistry.

That thought made Evelyn laugh as she lathered herself for a few minutes before rinsing off. She silenced the showers hisses as she pulled back the black curtains.

Evelyn glances at herself in the mirror as she reached for a towel. Her kinky hair is already drawing into that short Afro she despises. She scanned the countertop for a headband. She has been keen on leaving a drawer full of them in George's bathroom now.

She retrieves one of those thin black headbands from the drawer and wraps it around her wrists before stretching it over her head and pushing it back into a high puff. She smiled at a perfect job well done and moves on to apply lotion to her body before finally throwing on clothes.

Evelyn has been loving George's shirts a lot more than usual these days and once again, has opted to steal his infamous black and gold university sweatshirt. She slips the sweatshirt above her sports bra before finally slipping on boy shorts panties.

When she found herself feeling satisfied with her reflection, she slowly walks out of George's bedroom and into the empty space that still should be a dining room.

George was placing two omelets on a plate when he finally looked up and noticed Evelyn. She had funny-walked herself into a barstool and was now patiently waiting to eat the delicious food George prepared for them.

"Still hurting?" He frowns, sliding her the plate.

Evelyn nods and takes the fork off of the plate.

"Not bad, bad. I just feel it." She slices the fork through one of the omelets.

George's frown did not disappear as he took his plate and slid into the barstool adjacent to Evelyn. He should have known it was Evelyn's first time. She was exceptionally tight and he thought it was normal. George was relieved the following evening - the two had slept most of the day away - to find that Evelyn did not bleed much.

George figured she must have broken her hymen earlier in her lifetime, which means he only scarred her a little. This made George feel a lot better about deflowering Evelyn. She was crying mainly from pleasure and not pain. That truly made George feel good.

"I'm sorry, but it's normal." George sighs, slicing into his own omelet.

"Don't get all sappy on me now asshole. I'm fine. I feel good." Evelyn announced between chews. "I want to do it again actually." She announces seconds later.

George nearly choked on the omelet he was working on in his mouth. He had swallowed a little too harshly because of Evelyn's words. She wanted to do it again. It being sex. She wanted to have sex again. Evelyn Williams wanted to have sex with George Mills, again.

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