Chapter Eleven: His Terrirory

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George's apartment looked even more spectacular than Evelyn had remembered. During her first visit, she obviously couldn't quite appreciate the space as much as she wanted. She believed that from what those disco lights offered, his capacious apartment was a simplistic glory to behold. Those lights did not do the space enough justice.

What was lost in the dark was a treasure discovered in the light to Evelyn. She tried not to gawk too much after her bare feet landed on the wooden flooring. Evelyn really tried to contain her astonishment as she took in the stainless steel appliances in George's kitchen. Her silence and wide eyes gave way to the effort she subconsciously disregarded.

George's words were muted as soon as she entered the apartment. George did not exist at the moment. Evelyn eyes traveled, gaped, and appreciated the overall lovely living quarters. Evelyn finally concluded that George is a lucky guy to be able to own and afford such a beautiful space.

"This silent treatment thing you got going on, do you just turn it on and off when you want to?" George reeled her back to reality.

Evelyn's eyes were on his black and gray living room decorum. She never thought such dark colors could look so sleek and oddly enough, inviting.

"Okay... Evelyn, seriously. Come back to earth." George tried again.

George had been talking for ten minutes too long before he realized that his company wasn't even listening. No, Evelyn was scanning the place with curious eyes. George thought that she resembled a child in a toy store. He even thought it was cute until he concluded that her ignoring him was beginning to bother him. He found it very annoying rather quickly.

Evelyn finally looked away from her daze and skipped to the family breakfast bar as if nothing happened. George tried not to voice his frustration as he padded into the kitchen as well. He was happy that she was done with her gawking and he finally had her attention.

"You aren't allergic to anything, are you?" George asks, opening a cabinet and fishing through the little ingredients he did have.

George went grocery shopping this past weekend and it was difficult considering the fact that he was used to throwing useless snacks into the shopping cart. He had to learn quickly that blowing money on a bag of Cheeto Puffs was not going to satisfy his hunger for the week. Therefore, George had to use his cell phone as a guide to help him pick out what he needed.

George had to thank God for the internet as he was able to get what he needed, among other necessary groceries - like that nice bag of Cheeto Puffs in the pantry - and high tail it out of there.

George was happy with his transition into adulthood and how well he was managing, even he has been in this space for a month or so.

Evelyn swings her feet aimlessly as she stops to think about her allergies. She didn't have many and the allergies she did have were oddly ridiculous in her opinion.

"Not unless you put bananas, peanuts, seafood dust, or squash in your chicken Alfredo... I'm good." Evelyn chuckles.

She did truly have unusual food and other earthly allergies after all.

George tilted his head to the side as Evelyn chuckled at her small and partially uncommon list of allergies. Not only was she a know-it-all, a hard-ass, an asshole, but she was also highly sensitive to certain things. That thought is refreshing to George. Evelyn is not so tough after all, not if her allergies had anything to do with that.

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