Chapter Twenty-Two: Mister Williams

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"You sure you got everything because it doesn't look like any of my shit will fit in the truck," George grumbled examining his trunk full of all things girlie.

The first step to take this relationship seriously for George is to meet Evelyn's parents. George has not done this in two years. He never met his ex, Maria, parents. She never offered so he never asked.

Therefore, when he agreed to not only take Evelyn to see her parents but actually stay to meet her parents, George didn't know how to feel about it.

He does not remember how the introduction thing go. He knows he cannot say:

"Hey, I'm George Mills, the guy who likes your daughter and will eventually live to fuck her and make her happy. Maybe one day we'll reproduce and you two will be grandparents. Nice to meet you."

He could say that, but he knows he would sure as hell never see Evelyn again.

George is just anxious and admittedly nervous. He hopes Evelyn's parents approves of him. From what she has told him, they are crazy but they mean no harm. In other words, George should be on his best behavior in order to impress them.

His plan B - in the case that Evelyn's parents do not approve of him - consists of telling Evelyn's parents to go fuck themselves and drag Evelyn along with him as he storms out of the Williams household. That plan is still being tweaked, though.

"Stop whining, boy." Evelyn grumbles, securing her luggage in the trunk.

George rolls his eyes and glances at his trunk again. He really doesn't know where he will put his belongings.

"I only have room for one suitcase, though!"

Evelyn hops down from the truck and wipes her hands from the collected dust.

"That's all you need." She quips.

George opens his mouth to retort but Evelyn opens the passenger door and hops into the truck, dismissing George's rebuttal.

George sighs and grabs two of his suitcases and throws them in the trunk. He can only hope that the bags will not slip off during their travel. He takes the other two and slides them into the cramped backseat before mumbling his disapproval of sacrificing his space for Evelyn.

Evelyn watched the boy struggle and bit back a laugh at the humor of it all. George is being a big baby. She had to move a whole dorm room into ten suitcases. He just had to bring clothes to wear, now who is worst off?

"You got the GPS ready?" George sighs as he closes his door.

Evelyn unlocks her cell phone and taps the screen lightly. A colorful map with an estimated route popped up. The voice that asked whether or not they were ready to start their route agitated George. It made Evelyn laugh, though.

"I can't wait to be home. I miss my momma and my daddy... Even my annoying ass sister." Evelyn sighs as George put the car in reverse. "I missed her birthday y'know? She was so upset." Evelyn rambles on.

George's focus was on the road, but he listened carefully to Evelyn's recalling of her family. Apparently, she and her parents are close. She and her sister are typical "I hate her, but I love her" sisters. George found it refreshing to know that at least one of them had an normal family.

Evelyn even went on to tell George what he should look out for. Her father, like George, absolutely adores "King James". She told George that if he could mention that, the two males would be in great standing forever.

As for Evelyn's mother, she warned George that she could be very blunt and ruthless at the tongue. George chuckles because the apple obviously didn't fall far from that tree. Evelyn simply told him to hold his own, but be respectful of course.

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