The explanation

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Thursday 12.42 P.M.

I can hear the front door opening. Mason's home! Somehow, I'm not as excited as I should be. He's been acting so weird lately. I walk downstairs and see him standing in the hallway. He looks at me with his big blue eyes. 

'Mason, I know you don't want to talk to me but I just wanted to-'

He runs up to me and pulls me in for a hug. With his arms around me and his face in my neck, he whispers:' Thank you.'
We hug for a while. He let's go and smiles at me. 

'No problem', I whisper back. 

'Come, I have some explaining to do', he says and he pulls me into my room. 

'Karla found out about our almost-kiss.'

'What!?', I scream,' Does she know it was an ALMOST-kiss?'

'Yeah, but she doesn't care. She got super angry at me and was talking about breaking up. I couldn't stand the thought of losing her as my girlfriend and you as my friend. I saw no other way out.'

'Wait, lose me as a friend?'

'Well, yeah... I was being a dick to you. I thought you wouldn't like being around me anymore.'

'Are you joking!? Mason, you're my best friend. I will always want to be around you.'

We smile at each other. He gets up and says:' I should probably go talk to Karla.'

I nod and he turns around. He stops in the doorway, turns his head and says:' Good to know you know CPR.' 

'How do you know that? You were unconscious', I ask.

'I could taste your lipstick when I woke up', he smiles and winks. He goes downstairs and I can here him calling up Karla.

I smile and look at my phone. Good to have him back. But wait... how does he know what my lipstick tastes like?

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