Chapter 9.

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It really was anti-climatic to have to go back to work. I'm pretty sure i was visibly tired, bags under my eyes would mkt be a surprise to me. I didn't get much sleep for my couch is not the most comfortable one ever, maybe because it's cheap. Seeing as my mom was staying with me, and I only had one bed in my apartment, I had to sleep on the couch. I'm sure my mom appreciates my struggles, Irina just doesn't.

"Nagisa, you're being grumpy I'm trying to tell you about Karasuma?" Irina complained. I looked up at her. She was sitting on the desk, as usual, while I made use of her chair. She seemed slightly irritated, yet also concerned. I answered her concern with a groan. "You really should stop groaning Nagisa" Irina mumbled. "Sounds even less sexy in real than on the phone."

I had been sitting there for an hour. Irina wanted me to work some files away in the afternoon but up and until that point she would talk the time away. Luckily my salvation came soon after, in the form of Karasuma. Whenever he walks in, Irina loses it. It never failed. Even this time Irina's eyes grew big as she looked at him. She quickly flipped her hair back and walked over to him easily. She looked so comfortable walking with the heals I'm sure Kayano would be jealous of her. Though I guess Kayano might also be jealous of another asset of Irina.

"Well hey there, Karasuma, what brings you here?" Irina asked flirtuous. How did she make her eye lashes seem even bigger than usual like that? Karasuma wasn't really faltered by her behaviour and simply greeted her and explained himself. "Heard you were getting the files for next year's planning soon and thought I'd see whether they complete" Karasuma said.
Irina seemed disappointed he hadn't come for her but she seemed to still be happy he even was there. "Well they're not here yet so you can just sit and wait with me.. i-if you want that is." Irina sounded a little idiotic, but she seemed to be doing better than before. I never hated Irina, she just really gets on my nerves sometimes. She means well, I hope.

I also hope she means well by giving me more work to do. "Nagisa why don't you make copies of the reports we already got in about the end of this year?" She asked me, not even looking at me because Karasuma had all her attention. I sighed because I knew it was useless to deny doing it. I stood up and started walking when someone else walked into the office.
"Hey Karasuma you left that logbook of yours at Asano's reception again." A boy said as he walked in. "Oh yes, thank you Karma." Karasuma said as he took ahold of the small red book Karma brought. He had managed to surprise me yet again  oh how faith is weird. Karma looked at me and seemed surprised to see me as well. He did however smile warmly when she saw me, cheering me up a little.

"Oh yes, this is my assistant Karma." Karasuma introduced Karma to me and Irina. Irina told him it was good to meet him and I just let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah we know other." I let out. I heard Karma chuckle and looked up at him surprised. His chuckle was sort of cute, sadistic sounding, but cute.

Seeing as Karma apparently worked for Karasuma, he had to listen to anything Karasuma said. Luckily he had no problem with going and helping me print out some stuff, and don't forget get coffee. So we both left in silence and only started talking when we arrived at the copy machine.

"So you work for Karasuma?" I asked. Karma nodded and smiled. "Better than working for Mrs. Bitch I suppose." I let out a little laugh. I couldn't  really deny that. I handed him some paper and said: "why didn't you tell me you work for my boss' crush? Would've been fun for me to annoy Irina with your intel." Karma raised an eyebrow at me, seemingly confused.  "She wants to be called Irina." I sighed. Karma nodded but I doubted he really thought that fact was interesting.

There was yet again another silence before Karma asked me: "Nagisa, would you like to hang out again tonight." I had to swallow the lump in my throat. My conversation with Kayano came back to mind.

"So you like this Karma guy, romantically?"
"I don't know, maybe? I mean I've been in love before but you know...not with a guy."
"Are these the same feeljngs you would have for a girl or not?" Kayano seemed impatient. She probably was at work but didn't want to hang up on me either because she was interred or because she wanted to be a good friend.
"Nagisa, you are not very clear about this."
"I only met him last week and just today I got this weird feeling when we looked at each other. A-and he walked away and I wanted to run after him and shit... it's confusing as fuck..."
"I can't believe you swore."
"Nagisa, bisexuality is a thing, and so is pansexuality and other stuff as well, maybe you do like him but you like girls as well? It's okay not to know and all but if you do like him please do something with it."

Kayano was easy to talk. How does one tell someone they might love them, not sure yet, and that you are not sure whether you even like boys? And above all that, Karma so much cooler than me. Sure he called me hot, which flattered me, but he was so much better. And he's good at stuff. He's funny and actually helpful. In the mean time I'm just clumsy, short  and looking like a girl. And above all, I'm losing some stupid deal with my mom. Why would he even like me.

As if he caught on to my train of thought, Karma turned to me again. "If you don't want to hang you don't h-" But I interupted him by basically shoving him into the wall next to the printer. "NO I WANT TO." I said a little too loud. I started blushing madly and avoided my eyes from him, not realising I was still leaning on him. My slight panic was interupted by a sudden touch on my forhead. He just kissed me on my forhead.

"You are incredibly cute, also stronger than you look." He smiled. I smiled back at him and moved away so he was free once again. "But I would still beat you in a fight." He grinned at me. I laughed, knowing he was right, but also out of relief. "So how about we go to my place afterwards?" He proposed. I agreed to that plan.

An office story//KarmagisaWhere stories live. Discover now