The beginning of the end

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>>>>DAY 001

"Congratulations Young, you've graduated this academy" The officer handed Leon his rank, shook his hand and returned his salute.

Leon faced off the stage and took his way out of the room. His face removed all emotion, but his body held all the excitement. He'd finally done it after 6 months of training he'd been able to pass the academy. Leon made it into his room and looked at his newly received rank and smiled inward, the green patch with an eagle in the center was recognized as a specialist in his branch. He then stared to pack up his bag.

"OK mom, I'm heading out now." Cynder said grabbing her bag, taking up the remainder of her bags on her shoulders, and heading out the door. She took her bags to her friend's car and laid them down in the trunk.

Her father and mother stood behind her as the trunk shut, giving her their goodbyes and waving off to the leaving car.

"So why're you going to college in Kansas?"

Cynder thought for a moment." I hear they have a good music program..."

Her friend shot her a disbelieving look and laughed. "You're just going to see all the cute boys, huh?"

Cynder blushed and quickly tried to hide it, "Maybe..." She turned to her side and stared out of the car.

 She shifted up to the higher gear and gave the gas a little more of a push, today was the day she would leave town, she'd told her parents she'd leave the car out in the lot of the station. She was eager to finally leave.

She walked out of her car and grabbed her belongings, she then headed to the stand where the tickets where being sold.

"Last call for departure" The voice over the loudspeaker rung. Leon removed himself from his seat and borded the train. There's a seat, over by that blonde girl. Leon took the open seat and began to daze off.

Paying little attention to him, Cynder had started to wonder. Why'd he sit by me? ther're plenty of spots on the train... Curious, she tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey," She said, attempting more of an assertive approach.

Seeing that there were no other people left on the train, she nudged him a little harder.

This had made him stumble into consciousness, letting out a gasp he surveyed his surroundings. "where the-?" 

"you fell asleep on my shoulder," Cynder said, catching his full attention. 

"ah... i'm sorry." Leon sat on the other end of the seat, turning towards Cynder.

"Why'd you sit here anyways?" She replied, raising her brow to him.

"Well, I uh.... thought you were kinda cute..." He smiled, trying to shake off his last comment.

She turned to hide her red cheeks, covering her face once again. Surprised Leon sat forward. "Did I say something wrong?"

"No... it's nothing.." Cynder sat back up and avoided eye contact with him.

"The name's Leon, Leon Young." he said, putting his hand out to finish the greeting.

"Cynder," She hesitantly shook his hand.

"Last name?" Leon asked, pulling back his hand.

"I uhh.. I don't have one..." 

"Don't have one? How do yo-"

The loud roar of the planes flying overhead caught his attention, "What the? why're there foreign planes in the middle of the U.S?" He sat there, stunned.

"huh? is that not normal?" Cynder said, turning to see the group of planes in the distance.

"Not military..." He replied, as the planes grew nearer and more in view. "Get down!" He shoved Cynder down to the floor of the train. The view of the outside of the train seemed black, pitch black, he realized that the train must've went underground, and the screech of the wheels against the tracks meant they've stopped there.

"What the hell was that for?" Cynder said as she pushed him off of her, and as the emergency lights turned on."What's going on?"

"We're under attack, those planes out there were probably armed-" The ground shook, throwing them around on the nearly empty train car.Leon lost balance and fell on Cynder, he smiled for a second.

"Hey! what's the big idea?" She pushed him back off of her.

"ah... sorry," he headed to the door of the train, and started to pry it open, pulling the two segments of the door roughly 3 inches apart the door slammed shut again. "fuck," Leon started scrounging around for another way out.  

"What about the door in the back or front of the car?" Cynder pointed out.

Leon pried open the door to the rear with ease, and claimed his stuff , heading for the open door.

So That was part one of the newly done story, I hope you enjoyed it. Like, comment and share if you'd like, I'll see you, in the next one.

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