Bad Company

16 1 5
  • Dedicated to My darling InvaderCynder

Cynder woke up and felt restricted, she forced her arms out of the binding and inched her way out. The last thing she could remember was resting her head on Leon's back, after that, it was just  blurs of movements here and there. She looked around and saw the black bike on which Leon and her rode. She turned around and saw no sign of him. "Leon!" She called out, Receiving no answer, she raised up to her feet and continued to look for him. She'd swiped over his dob-bled over body with her eyes and went to back to double check. He was shivering and shaking wildly. Didn't he have a jacket on before? She took the blanket that was previously covering her up, and wrapped it around him. uncovering the jacket that was lying on the ground. She blushed slightly, and picked up his jacket. and threw it around herself. Its still pretty dark out, but i remember Leon saying something about gas... maybe i should?  Cynder started taking off in the direction the were heading. The wind was breath taking and she pulled the jacket tighter.


Emiko woke from her slumber she'd hit after noticing the dusk hitting. She figured she'd better keep moving. Once again, she straddled the bike, twisting the key and the bike came to life, a low rumble was shaking throughout her body, she threw the bike into gear, hit the gas and sped off up the road. The rumble grew to a slight roar as she increased the speed. Though it was still dark out, she was able to see the dashed yellow lines that painted the sides of the street. and the solid whit ones that showed the shoulders.

She saw a figure walking in the distance, she drew closer to it and it formed into a humanoid figure. Drawing closer she saw tattered remains of clothes, worried it might be one of the others, she slowed down a little. The figure began to wonder across the street. It stopped in the middle of the lane that Emiko was heading down. She slowed down again, still growing nearer to the figure. The definant tone of the figure was realized by Emiko a few hundred feet away from it. It was mangled, shirt and pants were torn, and it's flesh was torn. How the he-?! Emiko thought, swerving around the figure as she reached it. The creature lunged out for her, clinging onto her shirt. She flung her arm back, hitting it with exponential force, drew it back and hit it again. The creature released its grip and the tire of the bike crushed the skull, splattering blood on the road. Emiko returned her arm to the exhaust and sped back up, going down the road.


Cynder continued her way down the road and saw tall figures closing in. Finally... She thought, releasing a sigh of  relief . The sun was now beginning to peek up around the horizon. The rays that now reached her began to warm her up. 

Once she reached the town, she realized there were few people still left, what cars were in the city looked as if they hadn't been touched in awhile. Buildings have been growing dreary. A yellow light was flashing a block or two down the road, not what her first thought was: A streetlight. But it was wider, and raised above the street.

She reached the light and saw it was a gas station. Yes, just what I need. By this time the sun was shimmering off the multiple windows lining the street, the reflection caused her to put her hand above her eyes. She went inside the station in search for jerry cans. She found a couple of 5 gal. and decided that'd be good. She picked the two cans up and turned back towards the door, only to be met with a large, masculine figure in front of her. The figure was familiar in size, but it was too close to tell who it was.

"What're you doing here?" The figures voice was low and slightly hostile in tone. The man stepped back and revealed that it was Cynder's father. Shocked and excited, Cynder threw the cans to the ground and threw her arms around his neck. "Daddy!" She called out, her voice rung like a bell in his head. He raised his arms and hugged her back."OK Cynder, that's enough." His voice settled. "Where's mom?" Cynder asked, releasing her grip. The man's face saddened, and full of remorse. "S-she died..." The man replied, retaining his ability not to cry. Cynder made face and conjured up some tears.


Emiko came up to another bike. That's got to be Leon's She thought, pulling over to the side of the road. She removed herself from the bike once again and took her helmet off. Looking around she saw a path in the grass, leading to a bundled up blanket."Cynder!" Emiko called out "Leon!" She yelled again. She heard a grunt in the direction of the bundled blanket. "Leon?" She ran over to the blanket, removing it from the ground, and saw but one of the two others. The light shined into Leon's eyes, waking him. "uhhnnn..... What's going on?" He asked, looking up towards the legs that were standing before him, the light was shining from this direction. "Cynder?" He added. "No, it's Emiko." She replied, helping him up. "Wh-where's Cynder?" He asked, rubbing his eyes, taking the blanket. "I thought she was with you?" Emiko asked, giving him a worried look. "She was I-"

"Well, we need to find her. NOW!" Emiko interrupted him, returning to her bike and her helmet to her head. "I'm out of gas." Leon said, putting the blanket back into the saddle back that sat on the side of his bike. "I got some when I went back into town, there should be enough to get you up to the next town." Emiko said, handing Leon one of the jerry cans on the side of her bike.  Leon poured the gasoline into the tank and filled it to the brim. Hooking the can to the side of his bike. "Thank you, Now lets go get Cynder" The two of them turned the key to bring the bikes to life, the rumble and roar of Leon's was louder and more startling. They threw the bikes into gear and flew down the road.


So a sort of happy ending. If you enjoyed it, like comment, and all that good stuff. I'll be focusing on this story most of all for awhile.

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