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Leon was the first awake, he felt something on his shoulder, he looked over to his right and saw none other than Cynder's head on it. Shit... What am i suppose to do?  He thought, in a slight panic, he felt his stomach grumble and figured he was hungry. He turned to wake her up quietly and caught a drift of her perfume. She smells so good....his mind went blank, he neared her head with his own, resting it on top of hers, and he soon fell back asleep. He didn't notice but she was slightly awake, and she moved her body to the side, snuggling closer to him for warmth.

"Now isn't that cute?" Emiko said, crossing her arms and plastering a smirk across her face. She chuckled and left the two be. She went back to what she'd accepted as her bike. She threw on her helmet, latching it tightly, and started the bike a ways away from the field. Careful not to wake the others, and took off into the distance.


Cynder opened her eyes and saw a t-shirt and jeans, along with the roses from before; She looked up and saw that Leon had rested her head upon her own. What's going on here?! She thought to herself. attempting to move but she couldn't bring herself to, she found the look on Leon's face to precious. "What'd you do?" She asked, only to be let down with no more than a murmur from Leon in his sleep. "Hey! What'd you do?!" She yelled, Leon stumbled to consciousness and looked over to Cynder. "Hey, what's up?" Leon said rubbing his eyes. Cynder stood up and looked down upon him, hand on her hips. "What'd you do to me?" Cynder said, her voice stern and her posture too.

"Wha-? Nothing! You had your head on my shoulder and then..." Leon said, avoid Cynder deathening gaze. "Why didn't you push me off?" Cynder replied, her slight anger kept her from realizing what she just said. "Because.... I... You..." Leon stuttered, not sure what to say. "What?" She said, clearing her throat. "I tried, but  your perfume smelt so good..." Leon added. Cynder blushed and covered her face. Leon took this opportunity to meet her eyes. He studied each one carefully.

"I'm surprised, you didn't kiss me." Cynder said, removing her hands and chuckling. Leon had a confused look on his face"What's that suppose to mean?"  Cynder chuckled some more. "You seem to only kiss a girl when she's unconscious." She replied. Leon face scrunched up to a fake angry face. "Shut up!" he said, immediately regretting what had just passed his lips. Cynder looked hurt, she was only playing. She walked over to the fence along the edge of the field and sat next to it, picking a flower and admiring it before sighing and setting it back down. 

You've messed up this time... Leon thought to himself. His stomach grumbled, louder this time, reminding him of his hunger. He pulled out a couple of breakfast food bars that he was lucky to find in a gas station. He stood and walked over to the edge of the fence Cynder had. "Here," he said, handing the bar to her. She too the bar, avoiding eye contact. "Thanks Leon." She uttered, opening the bar and taking a bite out of it. "i'm sorry for hurting your feelings..." He broke the silence that followed shortly after they began to eat. "It's fine, i shouldn't have teased you." She replied, nearing the center of her bar. Another silence had befallen the two of them. "Are you sure you were OK seeing your city in such a state?" Cynder asked, settling the silence. Leon went into a state between consciousness. He looked back to the first sight he had of the city. He shook the feeling of chilling down his spine. "Yeah, i'm fine" He said, in a shaky tone. "You sure?" Cynder asked. "Yes, i'm sure."

"Why'd you do it?" Cynder asked avoiding the silence she felt was going to spring back on them. "Do what?" Leon asked, resting down beside her. "Why'd you save Emiko?" She added, crumbling the wrapper and putting it in her pocket. " I thought you'd praise me for it, and she did need help." Leon answered. Cynder Was now laying in the bed of roses, looking up at Leon. "hmmm... Speaking of which, where is Emiko?" Cynder sat, looking over at the vacant tree. Leon looked in the same direction. "Odd, wasn't she sleeping up there?" he stood and looked down the fence, to the open area down a ways. He couldn't see it cleary so he took off towards the bike. Finding out there was only one. "Cynder! c'mon, we got to go!" Leon said, straddling the bike and turning it on, handing Cynder her helmet. She climbed on and latched her helmet on tightly. The sound off the bike drowned out all other noise. "Don't you think you should be wearing a helmet?" Cynder yelled, ineffectively attempting to grasp his attention.

"Hold on!' Leon yelled, his voice climbed to a louder noise than the bike. Cynder wrapped her arms around his chest and held on tightly. Leon threw the bike into gear and rode off north. She had to have kept going, right? He thought, speeding up the road, ignoring the speed limit signs.

Part 5 everybody! I hope you enjoyed, if you did, vote and comment . if you'd like to read more, why not follow? Well, anyways. Bye-Bye!

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