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Reanee, her brothers and her sisters sat with their mother, Rose, in a small cabin as their father, Roger, told an ancestral story.
(Reanee was the oldest at 18. Then there was her siblings. Ricky was 16. Rebecca was 14. Ryan was 12. Rachael was 10. Reed was 8. Reagon was 6. Ronard was 4 and Reba was 2.)
As their father was finishing the story he was telling, Reba had ended up on her mothers lap.
"Alright time for bed," Rose announced one Roger was finished telling the story.
Everyone did what they were told and got settled into their beds.

Within what seemed like a few minutes, everyone, but Reanee, was asleep. Reanee felt restless, so she got up quietly and went to her trunk.
(The trunk was filled with thinks Reanee had made like blankets, dishes, pillows, jewelry and a bound book. It also held a pack of pens she had brought from the market.)
(The book was filled, and would continued to be filled, with whatever she randomly felt like writing in it. There were times where she would right down her thoughts, short stories, songs, prayers, and drawings. She would also write down a summary of what happened each day.)
She grabbed the book and a pen. She went outside once she quietly closed her trunk.

Reanee sighed as she sat down outside. Tomorrow was the coming of age celebration of those who would become 18, so Reanee wasn't the only one who would go through the coming of age ritual. She knew it was selfish, but she wished for once that she could be alone during something. Even her birthday was shared with her father  and this coming of age celebration would be shared with others who were 18 years of age. Reanee opened her book. She wrote down her thoughts. She prayed. Then, she wrote down a prayer she did not wish to say out loud.

Suddenly, she thought of looking within herself to get to know herself better. She did as she wrote down the journey within and what she found within her brain, body, heart, ad soul. As she let her power flow it grew easier to write while within. when she came back to earth she understood herself, her powers and her talents. She also knew that she, like everyone else, had her limits for each. A inner shield and a sixth sense were her strongest powers, even though she had a few others. She and her powers were still young and inexperienced and she knew this. She finished writing in her book. Her restlessness had calmed some, but not completely. She fell asleep, looking at the stars.

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