Chapter 9

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A few months later, Rose and Abigal's mothers were diagnosis with Cancer. Reanee did what she could to help them but they still died five months later. The fathers soon died afterword. All their belongings were donated and their cabins were given back to the tribal government.

Even with these crisis, Reanee helped Abigal and Ricky with their restaurant while Ricky went to classes for business and Abigal went to classes for cooking. By the time Ricky and Abigal were 20, their Restaraut, "liebe die Kinder" (Love the Children) was running smoothly. The three of them continued to help each other.

The Wise Woman watched and noticed that Reanee's farm was becoming a mixture of volunteer work, healing work and temporary jobs. She was astonished at how easily Reanee kept tract of who was doing which on that farm of hers.


The Wise Woman overheard a young teen tell his friend, "I am thinking about switching from volunteering to working at Miss Reanee's farm. I need the money to save up for that new xbox 1." the teen said.
"Why don't you just tell her, she has not paid you yet. She has a lot of people working on that farm," his friend suggested.
"I can't... I've already tried for a debt. She looked at me and lifted one of her arrows. She said, " if you wish to get paid, then you should probably get a job. You have just been volunteering here." Then she narrowed her eyes and said, "I suggest you try not to lie though. Now why do you need money?" I told her about the debt. She tilted her head. She said, "Ricky and Abigal are in need of a temporary busboy, perhaps you'll be able to pay off your debt. I have to go now." She left and I headed to "liebe die Kinder". I told them that Miss. Reanee said they need a temporary busboy and I was wondering if I could apply. They told me it was filled already, but if I was willing to babysit, they would pay me. I agreed. Babysitting is hard work. Anyways the point is the Partlows are nice, caring, and yet very firm. I think it is much wiser to work for them, then to lie to them. After that lie I told, they have been on guard around me. Its nerveracking," the teen explained.
"It sounds nerveracking, but they are still kind, right," his friend asked, uncertaintly.
"Oh, yes," the teen replied with confidence.
"Perhaps, I'll try to get a job as well," his friend thoughtfully replied.
Afterward the teen and his friend left.


The Wise Woman smiled and murmured, "The Partlows are something," as she returned to her husband.

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