Chapter 3- an unexpected friend

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Chapter 3

The girl was about his age with medium length bright orange hair with freckles scattered on her cheeks. Finn looked at her in awe.

"W-who are you?"

The girl looked at the boy on the ground shivering he looked odd to her. He was pale with long hair small sharp teeth and these big blue eyes that she seemed to be

mesmerized by.

"Um i-i'm Amber." She stuttered.

"Hey finn I'm Amber." Finn said nervously.

Amber laughed "I get it. Its nice to meet you finn."

"Heh heh"

"Come on it's not safe out here I'll bring you to my base."

Finn got on his feet finding that his leg started to hurt a bit again. He tried to ignore it since he's resistant to pain most of the time. They kept walking until they arrived at an old grocery store the windows were shattered but most of the building was still in tact.

They came inside and found a small sleeping bag, a backpack and some canned food lying around.

"Welp here's my base it's not much but we should be safe here." Amber stated.

"Oh OK it's better than what I had" finn replied remembering all the rubble and cramped space there was in the apartment.

"You look starved! Here have something to eat." Amber said prying open a can of food.

"Thanks!" finn said.

While they were eating amber decided to ask. "What's with your hair and your skin is so pale and you feel so cold and..."

"Shhh.." Finn hushed her

"It is from this crown it will help me unlock my true potential by teaching me the secrets of the ice and snow."

Finn smiled.

"Umm" Amber replied not knowing what to say.

Finn's smile suddenly faded away.

"No I'm serious look!" Finn said and made a small snow cloud float above his fingertips. Amber looked at the cloud in awe.

"Whoa cool!" Amber exclaimed.

"I know right?!" Finn said with the crown seemingly kicking in making the cloud a bit bigger.

"So that crown is the thing that gives you these powers?" She asked.

"Yeah." He replied.

"Then how come you couldn't use them earlier to protect yourself?" she said grabbing some wood to start a fire.

"I don't know it kinda has a mind of its own." He said as the cloud started fading away.

Amber thought about it as she lit the fire and sat next to finn.

"Well maybe it was fate you know? The crown might have brought us together so we could protect each other." Amber said.

"Yeah maybe..." Finn murmured looking at Amber.

Amber looked back at him getting a full view of his glossy blue eyes. Again she didn't know why but she was just mesmerized and intrigued by them. Her hand slid closer to Finn's. They both turned away and blushed. It started to snow a bit around Finn his face started blushing blue even harder.

"Sorry!" He tried to apologize.

"Oh no no no it's OK!" Amber said

"Awww man my stupid powers! It ruined the moment!" Finn thought to himself.

"Here I'll take the crown off." Finn told Amber.

He took it off and threw it to the side with his backpack. The snow slowed until it completely went away and then finn gave Amber an awkward smile. They sat down by the fire quietly and amber asked the question she had been hesitant to ask.

"So um where's your family?" Amber asked twiddling her thumbs.

"Um I don't know since I ran away from home and-" finn hesitated to tell Amber what had happened. That he was the one who caused the fallout that destroyed her home and everyone else's. But he wanted her to trust him, he didn't know exactly why but he had this weird feeling in his stomach he never felt before. A feeling that made his freezing heart feel warm. A feeling that made him seem to grasp on to sanity. He looked into her eyes solemnly and finally decided to tell her the truth.

"Oh I'm so sorry for asking." She said uneasily.

"It's OK you didn't know." He replied.

"Then why do you still have that stupid crown?" She said angrily and worriedly.

"I'm compelled to wearing it I don't know why" he said.

Or at least that's what he thought he said. What actually came out of his mouth was:

" IT MAKES ME MORE POWERFUL I AM THE ICE PRINCE!" and dove for his crown and hugged it to his body. Amber looked at him in amazement not knowing what to say.

"Finn what the heck?" Amber yelled.

"I don't know I just lose all chill Without my crown!" He laughed.

"This kid is insane" amber thought to herself.

She went out the door of the store and sat on the ground outside. Finn finally noticed that she was gone and snapped out of it. His expression changed drastically. He was upset that the crown was messing with his brain yet he seemed to feel safer, secure, and more powerful with it on his head. He went over to Amber still holding the crown in his arms.

"I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing"

"For my outburst. this crown is protecting me but it's driving me insane. It's changing my mind and body. I'm compelled to wear it. I d-don't know what to do and i-i'm scared." Finn stuttered.

Amber looked at him. She felt bad now. She saw that his eyes were watering. Those eyes... They seemed to shine in the moonlight.

"I want to help you Finn." She finally said.

Finn gave her a sad smile he felt like he was beyond helping but he felt as if Amber could help him. She gave him that warm feeling inside. And he just figured out what that feeling in his stomach was. It was love.

Finn slept soundly until he woke up with a night terror and Amber woke up and comforted him. They told each other about their dreams their horrid dreams of the Apocalypse. It made them feel better because they knew that the other would understand. In the morning Amber looked around for any supplies they can salvage from any of the houses while finn sat in front of the store fingering his crown. He was shivering chills going up his spine. He felt like his body was at a dangerously low temperature his head ached. That was the whole reason amber went searching for supplies, she was going to see if she could find finn some medicine. While finn was sitting he had a coughing fit as well. He heard a familiar whisper.

"Ice Prince I'm baaack." It said

"Where have you been?" He said seemingly to be both annoyed and happy that the voice had returned. He didn't know why.

The crown decided to dodge that question. "You know the reason why your sick right?"

"Why" he said and then coughed.

"Because you're not wearing me." It said in a cold tone.

"What?" Finn asked in a sort of scared tone.

"You heard me. You need me you can't live without me."

Finn's heart was pacing fast he was genuinely afraid now.

"H-how?" He asked shaken feeling really cold.

"You're becoming the ice prince! You must wear your crown to keep yourself safe! The temperature change in your body is due to lack of control of the ice and snow you must put me on!" It said trying to sound caring.

Finn looked hesitantly at the crown.

He heard the last line echo in his head you must put me on... he looked at the shiny rubies. The sparkling gold. And then he put it on.

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