Chapter 2

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"Is Chili's okay with everyone?" Cam asked.
"I'm okay with it." I smiled.
"Yeah, sounds good!" Shawn agreed.

"Cam? Is that you?" I heard some guys say from behind me.
"Yeah, OH MY GOSH! I haven't seen you all in forever!" Cam shouted while running over to a few guys.

"Who's that?" I asked Shawn.
"That's Jack Johnson and Jack Gilinsky." Shawn explained and then joined the bro-hug.

I stood there awkwardly until Cam introduced me.
"Jack and G, this is Callie. My younger sister." He explained.
"Hi." I waved awkwardly.

"And I thought Mahogany was hot!" Jack J joked around.
I blushed and Cam punched him in the arm.

"Do you want to add two to your reservation?" The waiter asked.
"Make that 3!" Matthew yelled.

I hadn't seen him since Cam's birthday party! When Matt and I were dating. Yikes.

"Looks like we have 6 of us." I told the waiter.
"Okay, right this way." He led us to a huge booth.

I sat in between Shawn and Cam, because I'm awkward around people I don't know very well. Even thought I hardly know Shawn, I feel like he is protecting me....

"So, where's everyone else?" G asked.
"Carter, Nash, and Hayes are already at the hotel." Shawn said showing the texts on his phone from Hayes.

"What about Aaron and Mahogany?" I asked shyly.
"Mahogany and Aaron are meeting us at the hotel in an hour." Cam said.

I was excited to meet Mahogany. I'm glad she's in magcon, or I'd be the only girl...!!

About 40 minutes passed and we finished eating.

We walked outside and met a limo waiting for us.

We put our bags in the trunk and got in. I was in the end next to Cam.

He doesn't want me to go anywhere without him....yes it's kinda sweet, but kinda annoying.


We pulled up to a huge resort.
"Woah!" My mouth opened wide in awe.
"Are we staying here?" I asked.
"Yep! You excited?" Cam asked.
"Duh!" I said hopping out and grabbing my bag quickly.
"Let's go hit the pool!" I said running in the lobby.

"Callie! Tonight is meet & greet night. We can't swim until tomorrow." Cam said.
I huffed in disappointment.

"You all go up to the suite. I'm going to go find Bart and let him know we're here." Cam said walking away towards the meeting rooms.

"Suite?" I asked Shawn.

"Yeah, we all stay in a huge suite with like 6 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms. A kitchen, living room, etc." Shawn explained.
"Oh, that's cool." I smiled and walked towards the elevator.

We walked inside the suite and I chose a room with two queens inside.
"Mine!" I yelled.
"You don't get to choose, come here!" Matt yelled.

I walked over slowly.
The reason Matt and I broke up is because he was always gone. I kinda feel bad for breaking up with him....but then again- I never saw him.

"Room A- Jack and G
Room B- Cam and Nash
Room C- Mahogany and Callie
Room D- Shawn and Hayes
Room E- Aaron and Carter
Room F- Matt and Taylor"
Matt read off.

"So your bedroom is right over there." Shawn pointed at the room in the corner.
"Okay thanks." I smiled warmly and walked inside.
"Hey, you must be Callie! Cam's sister, right?" Mahogany asked.
"Yes, and you're Mahogany." I laughed.

The Dallas Sister, S.M. fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now