Chapter 27

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2 weeks later....

It was Thanksgiving and we were all in New York for Magcon.
I had talked Bart and Cameron into letting us rent a house instead of a hotel because then we can have a big thanksgiving dinner.

"Good Morning." I said to Carter as he walked into the kitchen.
"Hi, what's the amazing smell?" He asked looking around.
"It's in the dining room, go check it out." I winked and continued get things prepared for tonight's feast.

Jordan and I had been up for three hours baking and cleaning.

Then I saw Shawn walk down the stairs.
I put my pan and spoon down and ran over to him, kissing his cheek.
"Good morning sleepy head." I said giving him a warm hug.

"Good morning??" He asked a little confused.
"What?" I asked.
"You're very hyper this morning." He said lifting my chin up and kissing my cheek.
"It's thanksgiving, I'm always hyper." I said laughing and then walking into the dining room.

The Jacks, Carter, Matt, Cam, and Aaron were all sitting down eating my home-made French toast and sausage with orange juice.

"Does she do this every year?" Aaron asked Cam.
"Yep, just wait until lunch & dinner." He said raising his eyebrows.
Shawn rushed over to the table and started to eat his breakfast.

Jordan and I giggled and continued cooking.


It was later that night and everyone was watching football in the living room.

Jordan had joined the guys in the living room and I was in the dining room dishing everything out.

"Okay, dinner is ready!" I yelled out.
Everyone ran in and sat at their seat.

We all gathered around the dinner table and said grace and then dug in.

"Callie, you are such a good cook." Carter said stuffing his face.
"Thank you." I replied with a warm smile.

(...I wish this was how Thanksgiving went...)

This is how it actually went....//

I woke up to someone throwing up loudly downstairs.
I quickly got out of bed and sprinted to where the sound was coming from.

Main level bathroom.

"Jordan?" I asked walking up to her and holding her hair back.
"What's wrong?" I asked really confused.

"I don't know, it's only 6am and I'm-" she stopped before throwing up more in the toilet.

No, no she couldn't. She's not with any of the guys.
But what if she was pregnant?

"Well let's get you some water and lay you down." I said taking her by the hand and laying her on the couch.
I got a trash can and placed it by her and handed her a glass of water.

"Thanks, but now I feel twenty times better." She said sitting up.
"It's must've just been something I ate." She said shrugging and turning on the TV.

Should I say it? I'm saying it.

"Hey, have you had your period?" I asked her sitting down on the couch.

"I'm a day late, but that happens all the time. Why?" She asked confused.
Then it clicked and her eyes lit up.

"OMG!" She yelled.

"Shhhhhh!! The guys are still asleep." I said rubbing her back and letting her head lean on me.

"Am I pregnant?" She asked nervously.

"I don't have any pregnancy tests, do you?" I asked her.
"No, I never thought-" she stuttered.

"I'll go get some. I'll be back in 10 minutes." I said grabbing Shawn's keys and heading out of the garage.


I grabbed a pack of 20 and then drove home.

The guys were still asleep, so I just handed one to Jordan and nodded towards the bathroom.

"Can you come in with me?" She asked looking more nervous than ever.

"I'll be right outside." I said shutting the door.

After a minute or so, she walked out with tears falling down her face.
"Jordan, what happened?" I asked her.

"I'm pregnant."

The Dallas Sister, S.M. fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now