Chapter 31

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-author's note: sorry guys I've been extremely busy! Working, taking driving lessons, and hanging with friends. I'll start posting more!-

"I'll see you in one week. Please FaceTime me every night." I said squeezing Shawn before catching my flight home.

"I promise. I love you." Shawn said kissing my forehead and then my lips.

"I love you too." I said giving him one more squeeze and then we both walked to our gates.

Toronto, Canada and Dallas, Texas.

"I can't wait to see Mom and Sierra." I said taking a seat next to Cam.

Matt was coming home with us for Christmas because his family is split up this holiday.

Mom is in Baltimore and Dad is in LA.

I feel bad for him. His parents just got divorced.

"Me too, it'll be fun." Cam said patting Matt's back.
"Thanks again for letting me join you guys." Matt said giving a weak smile.

"Anytime." Cam said and then we boarded the plane.


"I can smell home already." Cam said hopping into the taxi.

It took about a 20 minute drive, but as soon as I saw the big house, with the long driveway- I couldn't contain my excitement.

"Mom!!!!!!" I yelled as I grabbed my bags and ran towards the house.

"Oh hi darling!!" She said grabbing me and spinning me around.

"It's been too long sis." Sierra said from behind her.

"I thought you weren't coming until Tuesday!!" I said giving her a hug too.

"Nope, I got an early flight out here." She said winking.

"Matt! All your presents came in today and they are under the tree! Ready for tomorrow." Mom said handing us each a mug of hot cocoa and turning on the fireplace.

"Callie, can I talk to you for a quick second." Mom said taking me hand in hers and leading me to her bedroom.

"Yeah, what's up?" I asked a little concerned.

"I need to know what your plan is." She hinted.

"The sleeping plan? Because I got-" I started.

"No, are you going to stay here and go to school. Or are you going on tour with your brother?" She asked.

"Mom, I love Shawn. I love him so much. I don't want to leave him." I said taking a seat on the bed.

"He can come visit. I just think since you are almost a senior. You should be going to school." She said sitting next to me.

"Mom, I'm working so hard towards my dream right now. I'm singing on stage once a week. I have 10 million Instagram followers and 7 million twitter followers. I mean something to people. I love that feeling." I said giving a warm smile.

"I don't want to ruin that connection that I have with my fans." I finally stated.

"Okay, then I want to know if it's alright with you- if I start dating?" She asked.

Deep down I knew she was ready. But I wasn't. It had only been a few years since Dad left. But I knew she would be happier.

"It's fine with me." I answered after thinking it over.

"That's my girl." She said kissing my forehead and then leading us back into the kitchen.

The Dallas Sister, S.M. fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now