Chapter 11

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Cameron started to hyperventilate in the ambulance.
Nash and I were pushed to the back while the nurses performed different solutions on him.

I held my tears back and grabbed Nash's hand.

"I'm scared." I whispered in his ear.
"Don't be, it's Cam. He'll be okay in 2 hours." He said trying to make me feel better.

I just held onto him harder.

Then I felt the truck park.

They took Cam out on a stretcher and the nurses ran after him.

Nash and I walked out and sat in the waiting room. We weren't allowed past.

Then I heard my phone ringing.
"Callie! How's Cam?" Bart asked me urgently.
"He's in the ER. I don't know Bart. I've never seen him so stressed out and anxious." I said honestly.
"Should we cancel the show tomorrow?" He asked worried.
"Not just yet. Cam could have a quick recovery and then feel about canceling. I know my brother." I replied calmly.

I'm trying to stay strong for everyone.

"You've got a good point. Cam's in my prayers- see you soon." Bart hung up.

"What if he can't finish the tour?" Nash asked.
We both had been thinking it.

"I don't know. I don't want to go back to my family in Columbus Ohio." I said rubbing my head trying to get rid of my headache.

We had been here for 3 hours and had been given no news.
I ordered Jimmy John's here for dinner and have been trying to fall asleep.

I had my eyes clothes until I felt a tapping on my shoulder.

I turned to see Shawn and Taylor.
"Shawn! You're back!" I exclaimed and gave him a huge hug.

"Yeah, Taylor picked me up from the airport." He smirked and continued hugging me.

"Thanks Tay! Oh Shawn I had missed you so much. Cameron is in so much pain right now. I don't know what to do." I felt a tear fall down my cheek.

I pulled away and dried my eyes.
"Callie, he's going to be fine. They might give him some medicine and coach him through his anxiety attacks." Nash said calming me down.

"You're right." I said laying my head on Shawn's shoulder and falling asleep.

I woke up in Shawn's arms being carried.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"Cameron is in recovery. We're going back to the hotel and resting for the show tomorrow." He said helping me into the limo.

I slid in and the whole crew except Cameron and Nash were in there.

"Where's Nash?" I asked confused.
"He's with your brother. He refused to leave." Carter said.

I want to stay with him, but I know that they won't let me. A couple months ago- Cam got into a car accident and broke his leg and got a minor concussion.

I stayed with him the whole time and got so attached to him.

I would hold his hand while walking downstairs. I would drive him everywhere. I just need to let him recover on his own.


It was two hours before the show and I was getting anxious like always.
Cameron and I both struggle with anxiety.

My Mom never has but my older sister, Kylie, has too.

I don't talk about her much because she lives in Austin, Texas and has her own family.

"Callie, take a few deep breathes. You're going to do great." Hayes repeated over and over again.

I felt my legs go numb and my hands were shaking. But that's normal for me.

"Meet & Greets this way please!" I heard Bart yell.

Girls started running in.

I stood next to Shawn and Hayes in the lineup.

"Hi, how are you?" I asked the girl.

"I'm great! How's your brother?" She asked.
"He's doing fine. Thanks for asking." I smiled and gave her a hug.
Then we took a few pictures and I signed a poster.

Bart told me that I had met 250 people today.

I was exhausted and stressed out.
When Cam isn't here and Taylor doesn't care....things fall on me.

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