Chapter 10

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"Where's Shawn?" Matt asked me.

"He's on a plane, going to Pickering. He's home sick." I answered.

I hadn't really talked to Matt since our break up about 6 months ago.

We used to be so close....but now it's really awkward.

"Oh, that sounds like him." He said rolling his eyes.

"Excuse me?" I crossed my arms.

"He's always missing his family and running to them. Like a little baby." He laughed and poured a glass of water.

"Can you please shut up!?! We haven't really said a word all trip and the first words you say are he's a little baby?" I stood up and walked to my bedroom.

"Callie, he's not right for you. He's more focused on his career and his family." He yelled and I tried to shut my door but he blocked the entrance.

"He values me a whole lot more than you ever did. You went from tour to tour and trip to trip, not caring about me." I said almost in tears.

I had loved Matt...I thought he would be the one. But then he told me that he was going on Digi Tour and Magcon and then filming Be Somebody. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Whatever, you didn't love me and I didn't love you." He scoffed and walked away.

I slammed the door and bursted into tears.

"Hey, I heard everything are you okay?" Taylor asked walking in.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little hurt- that's all." I said wiping my eyes with my sleeve.

"He's just jealous that you and Shawn are dating." He rolled his eyes.

I shrugged and looked away.

Taylor and I have had only one conversation....when he forced me on stage.

"Hey, I'm sorry about the first night. That wasn't right." He said fidgeting with his hands.

I reached for his hand and squeezed it.

"Taylor, you helped me face my fear. I wouldn't be where I am now without you." I said and let go of his hand.

He grabbed my chin and looked me right in the eyes.

He started to lean in.

"Taylor, I can't. I'm dating Shawn." I said pulling out of his grip.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking." He said in his country accent.

"It's alright. Friends?" I asked.

"Sure." He said kissing my cheek and leaving.

I struggled to figure things out.

Shawn and I have something real...but Taylor and Matt both like me.

I sat down on my bed blasting Halsey.

"Hold me down, hold me down." I repeated in my head.

I felt a tapping on my shoulder.

"Hey, what's up? We don't have to be ready until 5:30. It's 2:00." I asked Cameron.

"Um, our security and tour management quit, Bart isn't doing his job, and I was attacked by some fans outside." He said and turned his head hiding his tears.

"Cam, sit down." I said pulling him onto my bed and massaging his head.

I looked at his arm and he had scrapes and bruises all over.

"What the heck is this?" I asked looking it over.

"Look outside your window and see how many fans I had to squish through." Cameron said rubbing his head in exhaustion.

I walked to the window and opened it up. Girls started immediately screaming Callie and Cameron.

It filled up the whole street.

"How did you drive a car through there? They are literally jam packed throughout the city." I could feel the pressure and stress piling on.

"Cameron I'm so sorry. This can not be put all on you. Is Taylor going to do something about it?" I asked and tossed him a water bottle.

"He threatened to quit if he doesn't get paid and doesn't have enough food. That's all he cares about." Cam rolled his eyes and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

Cameron and Taylor own Magcon now. Bart sold it to them. He's not doing his job as a manager and a father- role model.

My Mom and Dad split up years ago, and I haven't seen him since.

I have tried to contact him but he never answers.


If Bart keeps letting us down like this, Cameron will be forced to fire him.
That would not be pretty.

I decided to text Shawn.

Me- hey babe. How's Pickering?
S- good to be home. I heard about the drama back in Florida. I'm sorry for your brother.
Me- I've never seen him so stressed. It's scaring me. And Tay is being a complete drama queen.
S- sounds like him. He doesn't know how to address the situation w/o yelling at someone.
Me- yeah. When are you coming back?
S- tomorrow. I miss you too much.
Me- can't wait. ❤️
S- me neither ❤

"Shawn is coming back tomorrow for the magcon show, so don't worry about him." I told Cameron.

He was laying on the bathroom floor drenched in sweat and panting.

"Cam, are you okay?" I asked him.

"No. I'm having trouble breathing and when I start to think about the stress my whole body goes numb." He stuttered.

I called Bart and told him to call an ambulance.

I heard the sirens and Taylor and Carter carried him out to the car.

I sat in the back to his left and Nash was to his right.

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