Chapter 5

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"Dinner at 6!" Cam yelled throughout the suite.

I looked down at my phone for the time.


Let's get started.

I took a shower and dried my hair, letting the natural wave take over.

Then I put on my blue jean skirt that rose just above the knee.
I was torn between a white lace top or a yellow tee.
I chose the white lace.

I topped it off with my pink sandals and a pink necklace.

Everyone was supposed to meet in the lobby so I headed downstairs.

"Will you sit by me?" Shawn asked on the way to the seafood joint.

"It would be my pleasure." I said and then smiled.

After dinner, most of the guys went to the hotel to swim and play pool.

"Want to walk on the beach? Our hotel is about a mile away." Shawn asked.

"Yeah, I'd like that." I answered.

I took my shoes off and placed them in my right hand.

"Thanks for being with me earlier. It's never fun when someone is throwing up in the bathroom." I giggled.

Shawn laughed. "No problem. It was actually fun compared to Taylor's stupid dancing act."

We chuckled and then a silence fell over us.

"How long have you been singing?" I asked to break the quiet.

"Um, ever since I could talk. I've always loved singing. But I just learned guitar last year." He confessed.

"Woah! You're really good. How did you learn it last year and have a record label this year?" I said and then laughed.

"It's pretty amazing. I've never felt so overwhelmed and happy in my life." He smiled and reached for my hand.

I intertwined our fingers and looked up at him. He just smiled with approval.

We were a few paces away from the hotel and I could already here the guys yelling from the pool tables.

We continued walking hand in hand until I tripped on something that was burried in the sand.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed while starting to fall to the ground.

Shawn caught me by surprise and carried me by the lawn chairs.
"What happened to my sister?" Cam asked running over.

"I don't know. We were walking on the beach and then she cut her foot on something." Shawn said taking off his shirt and wrapping it around my foot.

I looked down to see blood everywhere. And Shawn shirtless.

I think I'm going to be sick.

"I'll get a lifeguard! They have first aid kits." Matt said.

He came back with a lifeguard.

He unwrapped Shawn's shirt and pulled out a rock and glass from my foot.

"Ow!" I yelled.

"Be still." He demanded.

Shawn grabbed my hand and my head.

Keeping my eyes on his.

"All finished. There was pieces of glass and rocks in there. Just be careful next time." He said and then wrapped up my foot.

He walked away, and I'm glad because he was rude.

"Are you okay?" Shawn asked helping me sit up.

The Dallas Sister, S.M. fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now