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Spear in an instant
All around, a crackling sound
So deep and beautiful
Yet so dangerous and deadly
So bright, yet kills all
It came fast,
In a split second
Hurdling towards me
I didn't move
Couldn't move
Wouldn't move
These flames don't burn
It feels like a warm blanket
It circles around
Making the beautiful sounds
People stay away
In fear and disgust
Afraid of they power I have,
Disgusted by how I'm different
They fear what I can do
These flames don't hurt me,
But they hurt others
Fire is my power
They don't understand
I could kill or hurt them,
That is all they think about
They control the water
It hurts me,
So I stay away from them
No one has my power of fire
I'm different you see
I'm the loner because I'm different
These flames are my curse,
My cure,
My burden of everything
My flames

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