There Are Reasons

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There is reasons
There are reasons I'm like this
Why I'm always scared
Why I'm so shy
Why I'm so idiotic
I know
You think I don't
But I do
Pointing it out makes it worse
I know it's a problem
I don't want to have this problem either
I'm really sorry
Everything I do is a mess
There are reasons why I'm like this
I just don't want to share them
I already feel like a burden
I want to change
But I don't at the same time
And only I know why
There are reasons
I don't share my thoughts
The reasons may never come out
And I'm okay with that
So please
Know that I'm sorry
The reasons are there
You just don't know
How I really think about it
How I feel about it
And I don't really want you to ever know
These reasons
Will stay hidden
They are there
For only me to know

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