Chatroom #35

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YouDo created a new group chat

YouDo: Guys don't be alarmed but Taeil and I gave the Exo members our login information so they could speak to us!

LaysFanBoy: Omg Yixing is here?

LaysFanBoy: I'm not ok. I RePEAT I AM NOT OKAY.

EggYolk joined the group chat

LaysChips joined the group chat

FlowerBoyJongin joined the group chat

Chenderella joined the group chat

MommaSuho joined the group chat

TheXiuMinseok joined the group chat

Satansoo joined the group chat

BaconBites joined the group chat

Sebooty joined the group chat

EggYolk: WHAT'S UP N-CITY!?!?!?!?!

LaysChips: Hey, I see someone else likes lays chips just as much as I do.

LaysFanBoy: Yeah haha... Chips..

NakamotoYutaaa: He actually based it off of liking you so much.

LaysChips: So that must be Hansol.

LaysFanBoy: I'm crying.

LaysFanBoy: You remembered me.

LaysChips: Yeah. Are you and Taeil still fighting?

LaysFanBoy: Uhm. About that.


ChinasPrince: Lay we missed you! Can you take us out for ice cream again?

WinWin: We are a bunch of ice cream loving asians.

KaKun: Retweet.

LaysChips: Of course! I'm not busy and I chose you four as my partners so we can go whenever!

ChinasPrince: So even right now?

MiniMoomin: Please please please.

LaysChips: Are your kids usually this eager?

KaKun: Yes they are. I swear my wallet has never been thinner.

LaysChips: This one is on me Kun. Uncle Lay will be there in 20 minutes so get ready.

LaysChips logged off

MiniMoomin: I love uncle Lay!

ChinasPrince: He's better than our members.

WinWin: Le, that was mean.

ChinasPrince: But true mom.

WinWin: .... Yes. Very true.

ChinasPrince: Told you.

ChinasPrince logged off

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