Chapter Twenty-one: A Deal

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Lusamine's POV

      I ran through the city streets and was absolutely amazed by my surroundings. I had never seen anything like this before and I was honestly happy.

I couldn't be any happier. I was safe with my family, Lillian's friends look like they have forgiven me for any trouble I have caused them, all of her friends surprisingly seem to like and want to help me any way they can, Garret seemed like he would be a great caretaker, I lived in a beautiful city now, Lillie liked me right off the bat, and Gladion was happy to have me home.

      I felt bad for sneaking out against Lillian's wishes. Once I was finished packing for tomorrow Lillian went with Aracel to help shop for clothes for Cynthia since she has no real clothes of her own.

After I had heard what really happened to Cynthia I was more scared of Silas than ever now. He actually seemed dangerous. Aracel said that he was mean to her but never this mean. She had said that something didn't seem right.

      Aracel said that Silas would've been mean to me and say some pretty mean things but he wouldn't have ever purposefully bumped into me.

She said that his eyes looked redder than usual and that something seemed very off like he wasn't himself and I believed her.

My thoughts were interrupted when I saw a swana fly over my head. I had never seen one up close but I always wanted to catch one.

      I thought that Swana were beautiful and graceful. Then I all of a sudden I felt like I had backed up into someone and I fell onto the concrete road leaving bruises on my elbows and knees.

I turned around and saw the guy who I had backed into and he looked oddly familiar. He groaned and I ran over and tried to help him up off of the ground.

"I'm really sorry! I'm such a big clutz!" I

said sounding very embarrassed.

"well you better watch it Blondie!"

Shouted the guy.

     His voice sounded terribly familiar he turned around and looked at me with his dark red pinkish eyes. I looked up at him in fear. I

was staring into the eyes of my tormentor Silas Mikaleson. He gave me a sinister smile that made me cringe. I felt sick to my stomach now.

I felt absolutely awful. I felt dizzy and I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest and I'm pretty sure that he could hear it too.

I refused to cry no matter how scared I was. Aracel wasn't wrong about her brother, something just didn't seem very right.

It's as if he's in some sort of daze and that its not the real Silas talking to me its as if he's being controlled but I could just be going crazy, I am scared out of my wits after all. He then grabbed me by the hand and he pulled e closer to him.

"Hello dear Lusamine how are you doing today? Lovely weather outside isn't it?!"

He said with a sinister smile and a darker tone to his voice.

      I shuddered and I felt like my stomach was turned inside out. I'm alone with an absolute psychopath and I don't know what to do!

I wish Aracel was with me she would know what to do. Now I regret disobeying Garret who was only trying to protect me and Lillian who only wanted to guide me.

Now I felt horrible. They let me stay in their home and this is how I repay them? Now I wished I had stayed home and listened to Garret and Lillian who only wanted help me.

Light and Dark Chronicles (Book 2) Pokemon Chronicles SeriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora