Another Aunt

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Everybody eat silently as Barbara come into the Manor.

"What do you mean!?"

She stomps, through the kitchen as Tim is doing his prayers trying not to get dead.

Mari stops eating, Dick played with his knife and fork, Jason gets back to his room, Stephanie drinks a little her tea, Cass followed her, Damian look to all his family member, eating awkwardly while Bruce... who knows he is dealing with a fiery red hair.

Alfred? Lets just say, he is the lawyer between the two Bats. Bruce and Barbara.

"Never telling me about her huh?"

Dick gulp, he swear he could feel the tense between them.

"Ms.Gordon, I perhaps you shall end this quickly."

"No, I'm still a MEMBER of this family. I still have a family in here."


He said darkly as he glared at her. The glare he gave is not he usually use for creeping out the crimes. But the glare you feel when your family betrays you, trusting too much for the person and hurts the people ypu love. The more you trust, the harder  the stab they'll give.

She huffed, walking or more like stomping to the kitchen where the family are eating awkwardly. Feeling the cold tense.

Barbara look straight towards Mari. This is the first time she see Barbara. After all she looked at the photo album. She smiles happily in there, but this time. She is full of rage as if She drank The Rage Venom.

"Mari Grayson. Have a nice wicked day in your life bit-

"I said OUT! Barbara this is the last time you're standing in this Manor!"

Mari shivered, she never see Bruce as mad as this. Dick hide his face in his face.

"Hmph! Fine. At least That Kori Sl#t is not here. Bye!" She stomps out to the Front door. Closing the door hardly.

"I'll kill her for that." Jason mumbled, the others nodded quietly.

"Worst.Breakfast ever." Tim muttered as he finished his pancakes.

"At least she did not steal my Maple Syrup."
Damian murmured.

"....Dick You're okay?" Stephanie asked worriedly to the elder brother.

He shifted on his seat.
Folding his fists together infront of his face like if he was praying.

Closing his eyes, "Kori is coming tonight. That red-head Gordon just knew that..I well you know."He shrugged.

Jason eyes are wide, his eyes like he was going to pop out of his face. His face are all red. Cass immediately, stood up and help him.

"Jason you're okay?"

Then some steams came out from his ears and nose. His bright eyes, darkened.

Tim groaned. Slapping his face many times.

"MY PERFECT CREATION OF ANDROID IS BROKEN!!" He cried out as Mari asked where is the real Jason Todd.

"Jason.... is the one who control the android through his mind-control and brainwaves. I was guessing this is the first good test." Tim shyly smiled while Cass, looks mad but the same time laughed.

"Ha! Bird Boy makes a Robot! Lame! The real Hot Todd is heree!!" Said a Guy, landed softly next to his Robot.

Mari facepalmed.

"Dad, Im going to my room." She stood up and walk away to her away not with Damian catching her up.

"Mari Wait."


"Is...Aunt Barbara is always like that?"

"Both her and her father are irritating."

"Does she really hates my Mom?"

"Well...she is jealous because you are way hot- I mean cuter than her." Said a furious red face Damian.

She chuckled a little." Thanks, Dami." She yawned and she drifted off to sleep.

"Mari, its Morning. Perhaps you can jog outside I mean the whole family." Damian coughed nervously glancing at a lazy Mari.

I wonder what happens to Dami's brain malfunction?  Mari thought.

"Would love to. Do you mind to get out, I want to change." She said glancing at the door and back to Damian.

He nodded and walk away.

"I guess I need to check up my brain function with Dr.Leslie again."


Yeah I know I'm so SLOW at updating, sorry for grammar mistakes and I really appreciate all votes and comments! I love em all XD

- NB27       - RK38

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