Percabeth on Ice

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Percy reached for Annabeth's hand, laughing at her attempt to stay up straight. She grabbed his arm, wrapping her own around his tightly in fear of falling again.

"Damn it, do we have to do this?" she groaned. Her expression was set in concentration, the same look she'd get every time she faced a challenge and needed to surpass it.

Percy thought it was cute.

"Just relax," he reassured her, still smiling. Truth be told, it was difficult enough to keep himself up, let alone supporting someone else. But it was worth it. Especially as he looked down upon Annabeth's set and determined expression, her body close to his as she struggled to get her footing.

Fighting monsters came to her naturally, but somehow the skill to balance on ice was a lot less easier.

His idea of bringing Annabeth down to the public Ice-Skating rink had come to him early that day, and he had thought it to be one of his best ideas yet. He was set on it being a nice, calm and romantic evening for the two of them. And with Christmas so close around the corner, the area had been intricately done up with decorated trees and strings of tinsel and fairy lights bordering the rink. It had a festive and romantic vibe all at once, like one of the cheesy romance movies you'd see on TV (and he was guilty to admit that was exactly where this 'splendid' idea of his came from).

Annabeth took a deep breath, straightening her posture and slowly letting go of Percy's arm. He steadied her for a second before slowly releasing his hold, allowing her to handle herself.

He couldn't help but grin at the way she held out her arms and looked down at her feet, wobbling here and there but still managing. Her thick princess curls framed her face, compressed by the red beanie sitting snugly on her head. And her puffy, creamy coat was zipped all the way, the collar just below her reddened cheeks. All in all, he thought she still managed to look beautiful despite the cold nipping at their exposed skin, and the constant falls onto the icy floor.

"I think I've got it!" she yelled back to him cheerfully...right before wobbling and falling backwards.

Thankfully Percy saw it coming, and managed to slide over before she hit the floor. She fell right into his arms, her hand instinctively coming up to wrap around his neck for support.

"Woah there," he laughed, "careful now, people may start thinking your falling for me."

She huffed, blowing a stray curl away from her face. "Smooth move, Jackson." But she couldn't hide the faint smile overcoming her face.

He helped her back up and held out his hands.

"Here, hold on."

She looked at him sceptically, but took his hands without hesitation.

"What a gentleman," she mocked with a smirk. In the dim light of the surrounding, twinkling lights, her grey eyes sparkled, giving away her amusement.

"Just doing my duty, ma'am," he replied with his best 'sophisticated' impression. He was rewarded with a laugh and a shake of the head.

Gripping her hands firmly, Percy skated slowly around the rink, carefully watching out for other skaters making their way past or falling in front of them. He dragged her cautiously beside him, ending up interlocking their arms together and laughing as they both nearly went toppling over.

"Well Seaweed Brain," she commented, "I didn't know what to expect tonight, but you've sure managed to impress."

He felt like saying there wasn't much effort on his behalf. All he did was bring her down to the ice-skating rink. Everything else was set up. But he decided to play it smart and keep his mouth shut. It was his turn to plan the date night, and if Annabeth said it was good, that was sure an accomplishment.

"Thank the gods. And here I was thinking you'd judo flip me onto the ice for a crappy evening," he joked.

He didn't expect Annabeth's kiss, but that's exactly what he got. She slid them to a stop, slipping her arms around his neck and pulling him down. He smiled against her lips, their kiss soft and sweet and amazing. There weren't any words Percy knew that could describe the blissful feeling that overtook him every time Annabeth kissed him, but damn, it sure was amazing.

She pulled away smiling. "Having any doubts now?"

He took a second to reply, making sure he didn't stumble over his words like a babbling love-struck fool.

"Non whatsoever."

"Good," to Percy's disappointment she let him go, sliding backwards a fraction of a meter, "now help me stay upright. By the end of this I'm gonna be better then you."

How romantic.

Percy chuckled and continued navigating her around the rink. At one stage he accidentally bumped into a stranger, and on instinct, supported Annabeth and made himself tumble forwards, his girlfriend too busy having a laughing fit to help him up. When she did hold out her hand, he pulled her down with him. She shrieked before falling into his lap, her head stopping on his chest and hands on the ice on either side of him.


He was now the one laughing. "What?"

She tried hiding her smile by sitting up on her heels and covering her mouth, attempting to play it off as annoyed. Only she slipped and fell right back on him. He laughed harder.

"Alright, alright," he grinned as she hit his chest, "hold my hand."

It took a few tries, but they managed to get back on their feet. Annabeth reached a hand up and ruffled his hair, getting rid of mini ice flakes from the shredded ice.

"As much as I wish for this night to continue, I think it's time to head back to the apartment," she said.

Percy frowned. He hadn't realised the time had slipped past so quickly. For once they were just a normal couple, skating in peace without the threat of a monster attack or interrupting immortal. He didn't want it to end.

"Maybe just a bit longer?" he asked. Percy pulled his best pleading look. Honestly, he hadn't expected Annabeth to cave in. But she sighed and shrugged, her breath escaping in a misty cloud.

"Alright," she relented, "I didn't want to go anyway."

His grin returned, making her smile along. He leant in quickly to plant a kiss on her cheek. Percy wrapped his arms around her waist and brought her closer, resting his head on her hair.

"I love you, so much," he murmured. It was probably a sappy move to make, but he didn't care. Here Percy was, surrounded with decorated Christmas trees and fairy lights with his beautiful girlfriend while ice-skating. Compared to the rest of his life, this seemed too good to be true.

Annabeth hugged him back, another blissful smile overcoming her face.

"I love you to, Percy."

The night continued, filled with banter and laughter and exchanged sweet words. Of course, Percy was obviously pleased with his handy work, but the real star of the moment was the way Annabeth took his hand in hers, resting her head on his shoulder as they slowly glided along on the ice. Percy wished he could stay in that moment, just for a little while longer.


Alas, Sally wondered why the two of them didn't show back up until the early hours of the morning.





Short and (hopefully) sweet! Comment your thoughts!

And damn, I need to work on my endings.

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