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"Quick," Connor said, "she's coming."

The two boys jumped behind the nearest object- a working bench filled with scrap metal- just as a familiar figure walked down the stairs of the forge.

"Now's your time!" Connor whispered harshly, shoving Travis's shoulder, "go!"

The boy in question gulped as he was pushed to his feet and out of the cover of the table. He awkwardly shuffled his way closer to the girl leaning against the wall, speaking to her sister, right beneath the arch of a doorway.

Stupid idea. He thought. Retreat. Run now. Save yourself.

Travis stole a quick look over his shoulder to Connor, who was edging him on with waves of his hands and encouraging thumbs up.

The son of Hermes nodded, breathed, steeled his nerves and straightened his posture to a more confident strut. That was, until he looked back to see the spot where Katie Gardner once stood to be completely empty.

"What the..."

"Damn it!" Connor yelled in frustration, jumping from his hiding place. "You were so close! Stop hesitating!"

Travis walked the rest of the way to stand on the door's threshold, looking up at the item he and Connor had deliberately placed. A simple, decorative mistletoe.

Connor sighed and swung his small backpack over his shoulder where their secret stash of mistletoes were stored. "Well, c'mon, we still have a few left. Let's see what other doorways we can hijack."

Travis waited for his brother to walk past, but raised his eyebrow in question when Connor stayed in place.

"Dude," the younger brother said, indicating to the hanging plant, "I'm not walking till you're out of the way."

"You take this too seriously," Travis muttered before heading back up the  stairs and out of the forge, Connor on his heels explaining the importance of Christmas traditions.


"Alright man, the fifth attempt, don't screw up." Connor hit Travis's back and pushed him forwards towards the entrance of the arena. "Don't make me regret asking Jason to hang this up."

Travis furrowed his brow. "Why?"

His brother sighed. "Don't ask. Just know we owe him one now."



Travis was pushed from behind, and stumbled towards the mistletoe by the arena's archway. His eyes instantly settled on the female walking his way. Her brown hair was braided and hanging across her shoulder, and her face was red with exertion from just completing a training session. But she still managed to look great.

Travis made sure he seemed relaxed before clearing his throat and plastering a grin on his face.

"Hey, Katie!" he called from the archway.

Instantly she looked over with a frown and a suspicious glint in her eyes.

"Travis?" she replied, more as a question then an actual greeting. "What are you doing here? Isn't your cabin scheduled for pegasus training?"

"You know my schedule?"

She rolled her eyes, still walking towards him, even though it was somewhat hesitant.

"What do you want? If you and Connor are still looking for the keys for the store, you're not getting any hints."

He frowned. "The keys? When did we ever-you know what, forget about that."

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