Christmas Chills

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"Frank, can you grab that-that- ACHOO!" she groaned and wiped her nose with her handkerchief, "that eraser on the desk please."

Frank did was was asked of him, going so far as to hand Hazel the cup of hot chocolate as well.

December should have been a festive time for the both of them, but she couldn't say she particularly enjoyed this year's. You'd think she would've stayed immune to the cold considering her past life in Alaska, but no. December rolled around once again, bringing with it it's chilly air and unnecessary snow.

The truth was, Hazel Levesque was much too sick to enjoy the Christmas spirit.

Frank took an extra blanket out from a nearby closet and wrapped it around her.

"Need anything else?" he rushed, "some cold and flu tablets? Maybe another pillow? I could message Sally and see what she recommends?"

Hazel couldn't help but smile. Frank always grew more concerned then necessary when she caught the cold. He'd fuss over her, going out of his way to make sure she was comfortable and content. Which she always was, even without the blankets and pillows and mugs of warm beverages. Having Frank around was enough.

"No, I'm good for now, thanks," she managed to croak out. Her throat had become particularly scratched after the amount of coughing and hacking she'd been doing. But it was nothing compared to the redness of her nose or the tired droop of her eyes.

"Oh, okay then," he hesitantly stood at the side of the bed, " sure?"

"I'm sure. Go do your duties as praetor, I'm-i'm-ACHOO!" she sniffed and sighed, "fine."

He gave her a doubtful look. "I'll be back as soon as I can."

She nodded in acknowledgment as he left his quarters, which she'd taken temporary residence in. Hazel had taken over his bed with her sketch book to keep her company, surrounded by the bare walls of a roman lifestyle done up for the holiday. The odd string of tinsel had been strung up, Christmas ball-balls hanging by a thread.

And even though it was meant to be a merry occasion, Hazel couldn't feel any more disheartened. She was more of a mess then anything. Her wild, tangled hair was hastily tied back in a carefree bun, and she had borrowed one of Frank's Christmas jumpers to wrap herself up in (even if the shirt happened to be more of a dress when she placed it on). Not to mention she had difficulties drawing a single line on a page before she was sneezing or coughing again.

Truth be told, Hazel was seriously disliking her Christmas Eve.

She sighed and eyed the empty page in front of her. She was supposed to make all her friends Christmas cards as part of their presents, but once her flu set in, there was very little she'd managed to accomplish. She couldn't even step outside to see Arion in fear of battling the snow. And gods forbid if she spread the flu through the ranks of the Roman demigods.

Hazel slumped and huddled deeper into the blankets.

"Lousy weather. Lousy flu. Stupid immune system," she mumbled. Her time in Alaska was basically a waste of time at this point.

She shook her head and focused back on the sketch pad. Surely she should be able to complete a couple of cards. Frank's and Nico's would certainly take top priority. Then she'd figure out Leo's, Reyna's and the rest of the seven's. Coach Hedge and his family was also scheduled to receive a hand made card. But as time went on, she found it progressively harder to do anything at all.

Thank Jupiter that Frank walked back in when he did.

"Hey, how's it going?" he asked, poking his head around the door.

Hazel shrugged. "Not much better."

He stepped all the way in. Hazel immediately notice his new ensemble, and couldn't stop the laughter that bubble in her chest.

Frank's praetor outfit had been completely re-done to fit the season. His purple cape now showed off a variety of craft made snowflakes and festive stickers, his toga being bombarded with the same materials. Even his skin was exposed to red and green markings of poorly drawn Christmas related scribbles. Adding to all that, his hair was even dusted in real snow.

Hazel covered her grin with a hand.

"Mars Almighty, what happened?" she exclaimed.

Frank smiled a little, even if he did seem slightly embarrassed.

"Gwen and Dakota happened," he said, "they convinced a couple of newer Mercury and Venus recruits to decorate the 'praetree'."

"Why didn't you resist?"

"I tried, but...," he hesitated as a sheepish smile overcame his face, "I don't know. I thought-maybe- it would be a funny thing to see."

Hazel had to stop herself from 'aw-ing'. He'd purposely walked through the whole of camp looking like a Christmas disaster, just so he could brighten up her mood.

"Well I think it's very creative." She said...right before coughing and grimacing. "Ugh."

Frank moved to her side, lightly budging her with his elbow in order to squeeze into the bed beside her. She complied and shuffled over as he noticed her empty sketch pad.

"What are drawing?" he asked, genuinely interested.

She sighed, rubbed her nose and gruffly answered.

"I'm meant to be making cards, but this cold is ruining my motivation and will to think."

Frank stayed silent for some time, much to Hazel's confusion, until his face lit up again. He made a move for her tin of pencils on the desk, bringing them round along with Hazel's small bag of different art assortments (which basically contained extra little crafty items that she could just stick on for texture).

"I know I'm no artist," he said, rubbing the back of his head, "but I can help."

A smile overcame his face, moving the small shiny star stickers planted there. Hazel couldn't help but grin back.

"Frank, that's a great idea!" She paused for a millisecond in order to stifle a few coughs. "But I don't want you getting sick. You'll catch it if you stay around."

"I like to believe I have a pretty tough immune system. You know, being a child of Mars and all. We're pretty strong."

She laughed at his poor excuse and didn't push the matter any further.

Hazel finally found enough energy in herself to enjoy the rest of the day, especially with Frank beside her, adding special touches to the abundance of Christmas cards they ended up making (and by 'special', she meant sticking a few decorative stickers here and there, adding glitter and just genuinely brightening up the mood).

Hazel ended up falling asleep on Frank's shoulder, preventing him from changing out of his bright 'preatree' outfit, surrounded by finished Christmas cards addressed to their friends.





Hope this was somewhat enjoyable?

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