Festive Feast

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"Leo! I need your help!"

A flurry of footsteps could be heard running from one end of the hall to the other, sliding into the kitchen.

"What is it?" Leo rushed, looking around urgently. There was a chance he could be dealing with a monster on the loose or a faulty pipe, both that required his full attention.

The sight that greeted him did not fulfil his expectations.


Piper stood in front of him brandishing a large dish rapped in foil.

"Hold your hands out," she demanded. Leo did just that. "Good, now heat them up."

The son of Hephaestus sighed as he allowed extra warmth spread up his arms to his hands and fingertips, just as Piper dumped the tray in his grasp.

"Thanks pal." She smiled, patted his shoulder and turned back to the bench where more bags sat, ready for transportation.

"The things I do for you," Leo joked.
Piper chuckled as she pulled on her winter coat, wrapping a blue scarf around her neck and picking up one bag as well as the bouquet of flowers purchased just this morning.

"Jason! You ready yet?" she yelled.

The son of Jupiter's reply came quickly. "Yeah," there was a pause, "I think. Actually, no, I'm stuck."

She giggled and shook her head. "I better go help him," she said to Leo, passing him by after fitting a beanie to his head. "There, that should be warmer. We'll meet you by the door."

He threw her a crooked grin. "Go save superman. I'll protect the precious cargo." He exaggerated by rocking the tray as if it were a baby bundle.

She proceeded out of sight, leaving Leo to wonder to the front door supporting the cooking creation of hers. Honestly, he had no clue what Piper ended up cooking this time. He had offered to prepare something for the feast and save her the trouble, but she was adamant on doing it herself, even going so far as to research on cooking books and youtube videos.

Jason tried helping of course, but he was quickly sent out of the kitchen after accidentally shocking the circuit board. Leo remembered laughing as Jason came out covered in flour after Piper aimed a killer throw to his head with a bag of the powdery substance. In return for laughing at her boyfriend, Piper made sure Leo went to bed with a bruise from a thrown spatula.

"You guys done yet? I can't be your personal food heater forever!" He yelled.

He knew he wasn't in a position to order the two lovebirds around in their own apartment, but Leo was Leo. Being the best friend to the both of them came with its benefits, plus after knowing them for as long as he had, they never minded. They allowed him to crash on their couch for a few days in order to attend this feast as it was.

"Guys, I'm not getting any younger here!"

"Yeah, we're coming," he heard Jason yell back.

Leo watched them come back down the hall with the bags and flower arrangement, the blond man wearing a thick winter jumper over a pressed shirt and jeans, his navy blue beanie knocking his glasses slightly ajar. Leo raised an eyebrow.

"Nice getup. Piper didn't question it?"

The girl in question knocked his shoulder. "Shut up Valdez, he looks fine."

"Says you," Jason retorted with a smirk, hoisting a bag over his shoulder, "it's snowing and all you're wearing is a beanie and a tool belt."

If Leo wasn't carrying the tray of food he would've mockingly placed a hand to his chest.

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