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It was a long bus ride and Bill ended up falling asleep after an hour, but Dipper was to excited. He had his eyes glued to the window looking at everything that passed by.  They were a few hours away from the airport. He had stolen a little money from his uncle to afford tickets. Sure Dipper felt a bit guilty for stealing, but Stan had been a jackass so he was over it.

Bill had his head rested on Dipper's shoulder and Dipper focused his attention on Bill for a moment. His hair was draped over his eye and there was a casual twitch when the hair brushed against his nose tickling him. Dipper laughed to himself watching him sleep.

Bills eye fluttered open meeting dippers.

"Were you watching me sleep?" Bill questions. Dippers cheeks flush a dark crimson color and he awkwardly chuckles. "Pfft no."

Bill just shakes his head at the boy and turns the other way. Dipper presses his lips in a straight line feeling quite dumbfounded. Everything was just so awkward between him and Bill and he was hoping this little adventure would change that.


They had finally arrived at the airport and Bill would soon find out where they were going. Dipper couldn't really help they would probably announce it while boarding so Bill was just gonna have to know early.

Dipper gives the flight attendant there tickets and they board the plane.

Dipper opens the small compartment above there seats and puts in his bags then sits next to Bill.

"So pinetree plan on telling me where we're going?" Bill asks. Dipper shrugs trying to hide it for as long as possible.

"All right passengers please fasten your seatbelts it's going to be a long trip before we arrive in Paris, France thank you." The flight attendant announces.

Bill looks over at Dipper who had a child like grin on his face.

Bill shook his head at him but laughed.

"You are so cliche."


I'm sorry for not updating in forever and short chapters but I'm just going along with this story as I get ideas and my mind goes blank a lot so its moving slowly. But don't worry I won't bail on it, I'll finish it eventually.

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