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A/n: i honestly had no plan when I began writing this, I still don't, but I never finish books so might as well try to finish this one. Sorry if it turns out terrible.


Bill and Dipper took off running in a random direction trying to escape their pursuers. They managed to run a few blocks until finally Bill grabbed Dippers arm and pulled him into an alleyway to hide. Of course there was a chance Will and the mystery fellow may have seen them so Bill decided it was best to hide in the dumpster that was placed in the alley.

Dipper strongly objected this idea, but its not like they had much options so he reluctantly followed Bill into the dumpster. Not even a few seconds later they hear loud footsteps racing down the alley.

"Ohhh no I think we might of lost them." Will says exasperated.

He stops running and tries to catch his breath.

"God I hate being human, everything is so much more complicated."

"Stop your whining, our goal is to find cipher and slaughter him immediately, he'll be a lot easier to kill in his human state." Says the mysterious man.

"Bill, what the hell did you do!?" Dipper whisper screams from within the dumpster.

Bill quickly clasps his hands over dippers mouth.

"Shut the hell up."

Dipper huffs, but obeys Bill and sits there in silence. This was not how he planned for the day to go. He really just wanted to go back to the hotel and take a shower, the dumpster straight up smelled like shit. Perfect date, ruined.

"We can't kill Bill, at least not while he's bound to me, or else I'll die too. How many times do we have to go over this?" Will questions.

Their voices begin to sound more distance as they make their way out of the alley. After awhile its almost completely silent, the only sound left being dippers heavy breathing.

Bill slowly removes his hands from Dippers face and pushes up on the lid to the dumpster. After thoroughly observing there surroundings, he motions for Dipper to follow him out of the dumpster. They both hop out and Dipper frantically starts wiping trash and mystery substances off of him.

"This is fucking disgusting!" Dipper yells as he is pulls a used band-aid from his hair.

"Dipper! Be quiet they might be close by." Bill says, he adds in a hushing motion for good measure.

Humans respond well to visuals, that's something Bill learned in human class.

Dipper rolls his eyes at Bill and continues to pull trash off his body, but he does it silently, that is until-

"Holy fuck there's a fucking roach on me get it off!" Dipper screams as he begins jumping around like a mad man.

"Oh shit." Bill says, knowing his ass is about to be found.

"There he is!" Will yells happily as he spots Bill from the end of the alley.

"Dip, we have to run." He motions for Dipper to take his hand, but of course he's to busy trying to get the bug off him.

Bill starts to panic as will and his scary companion start running toward them. Dipper was way to distracted by the stupid bug crawling up his back to notice that two people were charging toward him, and he was obviously just ignoring Bills attempts to get his attention . Bill slowly started to back away. He called for Dipper one more time and then he realized how close his enemies were getting. He had no other option. Bill took off out of the alley at lightning speed leaving his pursuers behind, along with Dipper and his roach friend.

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