Chapter 6 Blake

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     So I met Oliver Mattson, He was sweet and I can't believe I had sex with him..On the first night! But he left and promised to see me again. I hope so oh my god he is romantic and cute. It was like 7pm I had just got my break time at the Cafe and i went outside for a smoke. I head a familar laugh down the street along with another laugh I didn't recognize... I looked around the corner to see Oliver and some male being happy and to me it looked like flirting because he kept hugging this male. I got jealous went inside and went back to work and he came in and I simply ignored him I told the girls I work with all about last night. Oliver came to the counter and I looked at him like I've never seen him in my life and acted like he was a regular customer. 

         "Hello sir, what would you like to drink or eat tonight?" , he looked at me confused and spoke softly "Blake it's coudln't have already forgotten about me have you?" He looked hurt when i shrugged " You are flirting with another guy specifically the one hiding in the corner booth" I pointed over to the muscular red head who was talking to some girls. "Who? Anthony...He's my friend and he is straight". Anthony waved over to us before making a girl blush. and then my friends interrupted me..."Oooh is this Ollliverr he is so cute dont give him that mean look Blake he is asking you for another date you are making this poor guy sad!" I looked confused, I didn't even hear Oliver ask for another date, I blushed and gave in. "Fine I will go on a date as long as you don't up and leave me again".. "no promises...." He smiled a bit before ordering a cup of coffee and sat down to wait until I got off work.

            Oh wow another date...I barely know him but that is what dates are for right? To get to know someone better. I came from a family in which we it was like a gang I guess. And Oliver doesn't know that though but I like him....hope he is not a douche bag like most men.I sighed and went back to work, my coworkers teasing me and asking me questions about Oliver, while I felt his icey beautiful blue eyes watching my every move I couldn't help but to blush eyeing him back at times smiling when our eyes met. I got out of work at 9:30 and from there we went to my apartment so i could change into something decent and we went off for a date. It was a fancy ilaltian restaurant, I am just taking a guess but I think Oliver is italian but like he is so pal but his features and how he acts screams italian. When we entered the restaurant he snapped a bracelet on my wrist it was a silver bracelet with a little symbol, he didn't tell me why i needed it and he didn't but  it did not matter I was happy just going into this restaurant with him. I ordered a meatball sub with a side of garlic bread and Oliver stared at me like I had stabbed him. "What's wrong? What did I say wrong?" I asked in a whisper and Oliver responded slowly " allergic to garlic and spring water I just dont want to have a like seizure". I simply nodded canceling the order of garlic bread and instead asked for regular italian bread and smiled, Oliver ordered some kind of Spaghetti with a nearly raw steak and some kind of red slushie that did not agree to my nose when it came over.

   " Ugh what the hell kind of smoothie is that it stinks to high heavens" I said dryly and he just laughed a bit.." It is a health smoothie it's not suppose to smell good". It sounded like a lie but i just shrugged and went back to eating my dinner I was starved from work. We had desert and he was so expensive! It was 300$ and he paid it all and refused to let me help pay! What is he rich? Then he walked me home, his hands were cold but it was cold outside anyways so i simply thought he was cold. After I got to my apartment he gave me a quick kiss and left. There was so mush more that  i did not know about Oliver..a Whole other world....I haven't been to his home yet.. I do not even know where he lives...Where does he live? Is he in a mansion i mean he is so rich....or he just has a good job i do not know...

(Sorry to all of you reading this. i have not updated i have had writers block here)

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