Chapter 8

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" Maka" Soul Said, he obviously was mad that I didn't tell him that I was pregnant before everybody else.

" What did I do now" I said a little irritated by Soul, but I can never say mad at him forever, he is just so hot.

"Why didn't you tell me" He sounded even more agitated than before so I decided that if he wants to know one thing he has to know the rest.

" I didn't tell you because I wanted to make sure that the baby was alright."  I was getting ready him to be mad at me and completely flip on me, then he spoke " Maka" He said “ I know that there is more to it now come on you need to tell me". I didn't want to tell Soul what was wrong with me , and that I think about it when I found out what was wrong, all I did was push the thought away.

" Soul do we really need to have this conversation now" I was hoping not but " Maka ,what is wrong" I was scared when he said this but yet happy that he did. I was scared because I dint know if he would yell at me or what , and I was happy because he cared and I really showed.

I walked back into the bedroom and sat my self on the bed, Soul followed and sat next to me .

“ Soul, I .... I went to the Stein 's a few days ago and had him check the baby." Soul just looked at me like I was lecturing him ,so I continued

" I had some test done and while we were going through the different test we found something that isn't so good"

when I said that I turned my head away from him so he wouldn't see any tears that might try to escape.

" And the black blood inside of me will go to the baby,..."

" Maka " He said ,I looked up at his face to see him trying to hold back any tears like me " And there is more" I said , " If the baby is born, and everything gose well with the delivery,..." I stuttered at saying this but there my very best not to cry " I will die" When I was done talking Soul pulled me into a hug , trying to keep a calm composer to keep me calm.

I reached up and patted his head, then the warm tears ran over my shoulders and down my back. Soul was crying, and the only thing I could do was hug him back . The amount of pain he is feeling right now isn't even compared to what will happen after the baby is born. Soul sniffles a few times then spoke " Did you tell the others about this, Maka"

"No , No Soul I didn't, and they will never know I don't want to worry them and live the rest of my life with paranoid maniacs"

Soul took a deep in and cradled me in his arms.

" Soul " i said looking up at him " You will make a great father, and I know it believe me." I looked back down and snuggled into his chest , then soon I was fast asleep .

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