Chapter 15

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Do you know who I am yet?

"I'm quite aware of who you are, Kid"

Oh, goody, you do know!

"Why kid, why are you doing this, getting inside my head"

You see Maka, ever since you and Soul partnered up, I've been jealous of your growing relationship, it's so ,so aggravating that you chose a weapon,let alone your partner to be your's.

What difference dose it make!!! I Love Soul!!! He was there when I needed him most and he's going to be here until the end.

Your so strong willed Maka, that's why I feel in love with you in the first place. Your so beautiful, you know that.

Kid this is enough ,you need to stop, doing this isn't going to-

Then I woke up, I was soaked in a cold sweat. It was night so Soul was probably home. I sat up and looked around, I wasn't attached to an iv or any kind of monitor. I flopped the blanket off me and slide my legs off the bed ,they touched the cold tile floor. I adjusted my self and then I stood, holding onto whatever I could grab. In the chair next to the bed was a set of clothing. I Pulled off the hospital gown and put them on. I slowly shuffled over to the door and opened it, Kid was leaning against the wall adjacent to it.

"I see have finally decided to wake up" Kid said very snark.

"I didn't wake up for you, I woke up for him"

"To bad you won't be seeing him" He said as a terrifying smirk stretched across his face. The I blacked out.

I was fading in and out of consciousness, I noticed lights on the ceiling and then I saw his face, it had no emotion. I was unconscious once more.

A/N: omg yay I finally updated it.

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