Final Phase

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Haku's POV: We were back at the starting point, and I was just thinking how stupid I actually was. If me and my target swapped cards, it really wouldn't make a difference. I sighed, holding the bridge of my nose. As everyone got back to the starting point, I wondered what might be the Final Phase. I got my target's card and three other cards. "Then we will now check the tags of everyone here!" I heard the woman say. Hisoka passed. I wasn't surprised. Mayonaka passed. I helped her! Pokkle passed. Just slightly surprised, who knew? Killua passed. Of course. Grittarackuar passed. Poor person who was his target. Bodoro passed. Really? Hanzo passed. He will get his VERY important scroll. I, of course passed. "So seven applicants passed?" said the woman. Wait, what about Gon? Then Gon and his friends came out of nowhere. I sighed relieved. Gon passed. Phew. Kurapika passed. Was he a Kurta? Leorio passed. Oh my god how? "These 11 applicants have passed the fourth phase of the exam!

Time skip (Brought to you by Hisoka's hairline. Hisoka: My hairline is puuurfecto.

Haku's POV: "I have an announcement for all applicants," me and Killua looked up from comparing skateboard tricks. "The chairman wishes to interview the remaining candidates." Killua and me shared a glance. "When your number is called, please come to the first reception room, on the second floor. Then we will start with #44, Hisoka-sama." Me and Killua went back to our game. "I wonder what they will interview us about." I wondered aloud. Killua shrugged.

Mayanoka's POV: Hisoka left me and Illumi to take the chairman's interview. I guess Hisoka was probably the best conversation starter, because when he left, there was an awkward silence. I began sketching in my notebook and Illumi started sharpening his pins. Soon, I was bored of drawing so I decided to take a nap.

Illumi's POV: As I sharpened my pins, I wondered when Hisoka would get back. I didn't like this at all. It was awkward being with Mai ALONE. I glanced over and realized she was asleep. She really dozed off fast. I decided to take my pins off because first of all, no one was there and second, they were REALLY plucking my nerves. I sighed and laid on the ground next to Mai. I knew her name was Mayanoka but Mai fit her better. I yawned and dozed off as quickly as she did.

Hisoka's POV: I walked back to the room where Mayanoka and Illumi were. They were both asleep, next to each other, on the ground. I remembered that song called 'Now I'm Lying on the Cold Hard Ground' and I laughed so hard, Illumi woke up shocked. "Hisoka don't do that!" He shouted and I laughed harder and Mai woke up. "Hisoka stop laughing, you might attract attention then everyone will know Illumi's secret." She said calmly, then yawned. "Now do you mind?" she asked. Illumi and me shrugged. She leaned on the wall in a sitting position and dozed back off. "She sleeps a lot." I murmured, surprised at how fast she went back to sleep. Illumi put his pins back on and replied with "So?" I shrugged again. Then he sat down. "She probably doesn't get much sleep at home." He said calmly. I shrugged again. Then I pulled out a deck of cards. "You wanna play?" I asked shuffling the cards. He nodded and we played cards.

Haku's POV: I walked down to the interview room. "Why do you want to become a hunter?" Asked the old man. I shrugged. "I don't really know. It seems interesting. I was bored so I decided to come here." He nodded. "Who are you keeping an eye on?'' He asked. "I'm keeping an I on number 44, 405, 301, and 99." I said completely confused. Why did he want to know? "Who do you least want to fight?" he asked. "Number 72, I don't want to fight my sister, even if I despise her." He nodded. "You may go." I went back completely confused.

Mayanoka's POV: I woke up with a jolt, hearing my name on the loudspeaker. I walked to the interview room. I entered. "Sit down." ordered the old man. I sat down calmly. "Why do you want to be a hunter?" He asked. "Its useful and makes my work easier." I said. He nodded. "Who are you keeping an eye on?" He asked. "302, 301, 44, and 99." I answered. He nodded. "Who do you least want to fight?" "302. Although he might be ready to fight me, I don't think he will be able to just yet." The man nodded. "You may leave." I walked out, guessing the Final Phase will be fighting.

('Is it to late now to say sorry?' Lol. Sorry for not updating for so long. Illumi: I hate Justin Beiber. Me: Who doesn't? Hisoka: I love Justin Beiber! Me: Okay lets discuss this later. Say bye. Illumi: Bye.... people. Hisoka: Bye my little fruits. Me: Bye, and watch out for Hisoka cause He might just kill you if ur ripe. Hisoka: Mmmm... Me: Bye.)

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