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We continued on in total silence. I couldn't take it anymore. "Tom," I said, hesitant to ask, "what's wrong?" He stopped walking and I did the same. The stress was plain on his face as he turned his blue eyes at me. There was something there that I couldn't quite explain, some emotion I couldn't figure out. I expected him to say something, but he just stood there looking at me.

"Gabi...there's something I have to say...and I don't really know how to say it but I- I can't go on like this." His voice didn't sound normal. When he spoke, the words were rushed and he stuttered. Tom was usually so well put together that his apparent nervousness scared me. I just looked at him and waited for him to continue, but instead he stepped toward me, bridging the gap between us in one long-legged stride. His chest rested against mine and I turned my face down to hide my now-red cheeks. It felt like the air around us had heated and suddenly I was unbearably hot. I felt a hand come up to cup my chin and Tom gently turned my face back to his. Before I could do or say anything, his lips crashed down onto mine, moving with an urgent desire. My brain overloaded from the unexpected action. I could do nothing but stand stock still as my mind screamed. My heart commanded me to kiss him back, which I truly did want to do, but my head kept replaying the phrase I had repeated to myself hundreds of times since we had arrived here: get over it.

Moments later, Tom's lips separated themselves from mine, but I was still reeling. Why did he kiss me? What was going on? "That was terribly inappropriate of me, I'm sorry," mumbled Tom, "I just- before I say this, please know that you are free to never speak to me again and I will totally understand, but I needed you to know anyway. Gabi, I am utterly and completely in love with you."

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