Work work work

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The next four months were a blur of play rehearsals, the start of a new term at school, and a month of performances of A Streetcar Named Desire. Every day seemed hectic and it felt like if I wasn't out doing something, I was desperately trying to get some of my coursework done or correct my horrendous sleeping habits. 

The night of our last performance of A Streetcar Named Desire, Tom and I were lounging around backstage with the other members of the cast, having an impromptu party to celebrate finally being done. I was standing against the wall near the stage door when our stagehand Felix poked his head in and told me there was a woman outside that wanted to speak with me. 

"Me?" I clarified. That was strange. The only people I knew who came to our performances were some fellow classics major friends of mine, but as far as I knew, none of them had come tonight. I made my way through the black columns of curtains and almost ran into a petite brunette standing off one of the wings. 

"Miss Richardson?" She wore business attire, a brown blazer with a matching skirt and a white blouse. I didn't know her.

"Hello." I said, hesitantly offering my hand. 

She shook it firmly and introduced herself. "Sorry, my name is Audrey Williams. I work for Hamilton Hodell talent agency. I was just wondering if-"

She was interrupted by Tom's voice echoing across the stage. "Gabi?"

"Here!" I shouted. I turned back to face Audrey with a laugh. "Sorry."

A few moments later, Tom's face appeared around one of the curtains. "There you are, I've got something for you- I beg your pardon, I didn't know you were in the middle of a conversation." He blushed and turned to leave, but to my surprise, Audrey called out.

"Actually Mr. Hiddleston, I meant to speak with both of you so I guess we may as well kill two birds with one stone. I represent Hamilton Hodell talent agency and I came tonight to see the play because I know the director, but you two caught my eye. Do you have representation?" We both shook our heads and she continued. "Well if you want to meet and discuss possibly acquiring an agent, I would be happy to make an appointment. Here's my card, both my office and cell number is on it, just call my secretary and she'll arrange everything."

She handed us two white business cards and congratulated us again on our performance before bidding us a good night. Tom and I looked at each other and broke into huge grins.

"So," I asked, "what was it you needed me for?"

In answer, he grabbed me by the hand and said, "Come on, I'll show you."


"Close your eyes, no peaking!" 

I stood at the door to Tom's dorm. He had gone inside to get whatever it was he had gotten me ready. I had just begun to wonder if he had forgotten about me standing outside when I heard him yell, "Okay, you can come in now!"

I opened the door and walked down the narrow hallway cautiously. Tom had a history of pranking me, so I was always a bit wary when he made strange requests like "I have to get it ready, wait out here with your eyes closed and then you can come in when I'm done".

When I got into the kitchen though, I couldn't help but laugh. There stood Tom, holding a pan with a lopsided chocolate cake in it that read "I love you" in wonky icing letters. A blob-like heart sat just below the letters. The grin on Tom's face was like sunshine. 

"Do you like it?" Suddenly he looked like a little boy, impatiently awaiting his test grade from the teacher. 

 "You are without a doubt the best boyfriend in the history of boyfriends."

He smiled cheekily at me. "I like the sound of that. Do you think maybe I could have that framed?"

I smiled back and shook my head, "Shut up."

We spent the rest of the evening laughing and talking over Tom's surprisingly good cake, content to just enjoy each other's company after the long months of stress. 

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