The storm

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Tom's POV:

I watched the minutes turn into hours on the bedside clock. I just felt numb, not even wanting to consider what was to happen tomorrow. I had been to funerals before, but they were always some neighbor or distant relative whom I had never really known. My gran was different. She was the one who always gave me sweets when I went to see her. She was the one who came to see every rugby game and every theater performance. It felt like some sort of hellish nightmare that she was gone. She would never get to meet my kids, never get to meet Gabi. At the thought, I subconsciously pulled Gabi's sleeping body closer to mine. She was the only thing keeping me together. It felt like I was cracking and falling apart, but she was always there to fix me up with a smile.

At around 6:00, I decided to go for a run. The routine of getting ready was so familiar that I did it without thinking. I laced my shoes and looked around for something on which to write a note to Gabi on the off chance she awoke before I returned. I grabbed one of my old journals and flipped to a blank page. Ripping it out, I scrawled a quick note on it, folded the paper, and walked silently down the stairs.

Once I was outside, the fresh, cool air of the April morning helped to clear my head a little. I started off at a slow jog, trying to warm up my tired muscles. As every time I went running, my mind began to wander, and eventually rested on the inevitable topic of the impending funeral. I hadn't run but five minutes when my grief over my Gran's death assaulted my thoughts again. My eyes pricked at the now-painful memories, and the tears spurred me on faster and faster, until I felt like I might pass out.

I stopped after a few minutes, my vision completely blurred from the salty tears that also wet my cheeks. I was dripping with sweat, and my body screamed. Unable to stand it anymore, I dropped to my knees on the side of the small road.

I didn't know how long I had been sitting there, knees hugged to my chest, until I glanced at my watch. It had been nearly 2 hours. The others in the house would be getting up soon, and unless I wanted to face them in this state, I had to start back.

I heaved myself up, stretching my cramped legs, and began the run back.


Gabi's POV:

When I awoke the next morning, I was greeted by empty sheets. Tom was nowhere to be found, and I had just started freaking out, when I spotted a note neatly folded and sitting on the wardrobe.


Went for a quick run, probably be back before you wake.

With love,


I looked out the window, wondering when he had left. I was taking in the beautiful countryside for the millionth time since we'd arrived when I saw Tom turn around the corner. He had his headphones in his ears, and he was drenched in sweat. I heard him open the front door, and take the stairs two at a time. He came into the room panting a little from his workout. "Hello darling, did you sleep well?"

There was hardly any inflection in his voice and his eyes looked sallow and empty. I knew that look, and it killed me to see it on his usually smiling face. I was again overcome with worry. "Yeah," I replied, giving him a small smile.

"Okay, well I'm going to go shower before breakfast. Be right back." With that, he grabbed a fresh tshirt and a clean pair of jeans, and headed into the bathroom. I sighed. Today was going to be a hard one.

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