London up close

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I was enthralled by the city outside my window. It was late in the evening and the cool grey of day was beginning to be exchanged for lighted signs and windows. I could almost feel the energy humming through the air, not as if the city were turning in for the night, but as if it were waking up. It was intoxicating.

Tom drove expertly through the streets, and we eventually stopped in front of a plain brick building, one of many in a long line. People were queued up outside, and over the door a red sign with white letters proclaimed it to be "The Donmar Warehouse". I had heard of this place. "Are we seeing a play?"

Tom nodded. "I thought you might like The White Devil by John Webster. Does that sound alright?"

I shrugged. I had never even heard of it. But if Tom thought I would like it, then it sounded good to me. "I'm game, let's go!"

He laughed and got out. Before I could open my door, he was there doing it for me. I blushed at the treatment. "You know, you really don't have to open my door for me."

"Well I want to. So get used to it."

I gave Tom a quick peck on the lips and headed toward the ticket window, hoping I could beat him there and pay for the tickets as a thank you for the dinner. But he grabbed my elbow and I stopped short. When I turned around, he held up a pair of red envelopes with the same lettering on the front as the sign above me. "I've already got them love." I blew out an exasperated sigh and he chuckled. "Come on."

Tom took my hand and led me inside. The interior of the theater was spacious, with two floors of seating and the stage against the far wall. It was big enough to house a decently sized audience, but not so big that you couldn't see the actors. There didn't seem to be a bad seat anywhere. Tom glanced at our tickets and led me to a pair of seats in the front of the center balcony. We were directly in front of the stage.

"This is supposed to be a really good play," he told me.

The lights began to dim and the players walked out on stage. Their costumes looked great. I glanced at Tom, and immediately forgot everything around me. I guess I hadn't realized before how close he was sitting. His thigh touched mine on the seat and his arm was stretched out behind me, resting on the back of my seat. I shifted closer to him, snuggling into his shoulder. His arm came around me and he rested his hand against my arm. I smiled and turned back to the stage.


When we left, I was delighted. The play had been wonderful and Tom and I talked about it as we got into the car. The clock on the car's dashboard read 9:20. "So, where are we staying tonight?" I asked.

Tom laughed. "Oh we're not done quite yet, there's still one more thing I want you to see."

"Drive on then. Lead the way captain."

He flashed a grin and pulled out, heading south. A few minutes later I saw the river. This was the picture that everyone took of London: The Eye with Westminster Abbey just across the water. It was beautiful, illuminated in the dark. "You don't have a fear of heights, do you?"


"Will it bother you to go on the Eye?"

Realization dawned on me. "Oh! No no, I'm not scared. That's actually something I always wanted to do. What's it like?"

Tom's eyes wandered up the immense structure. "I only went once, when I was younger, and I don't remember much of it. It's supposed to be even better at night though."

We parked and got out, and I found myself staring straight up at the capsules at the very top. "You ready?" Tom asked.

I nodded and we headed for the line, waiting our turn to get on. It went surprisingly fast. Because the cars held so many people, they were able to fit a lot of people on at once. When we got to the front of the line, Tom walked toward one of the staff members.

"Tom, where are you going?"

"Hold on, I've just got to talk to this gentleman for a moment. Hold our place in the queue."

I was confused, but I did what he said, and when he returned I tried to ask what he needed from the man.

"Nothing, I was just arranging something."

Before I could ask what that meant, it was our turn to get on. A new capsule rotated down and we got in. I turned around, expecting more people to follow us, but one of the operators shut the door behind us. "Aren't they supposed to put more people in here?"

"I thought it might be nice if it was just the two of us."

I smiled. "Tom, this is amazing. Really, thank you so much."

"My pleasure darling, now come here. You have to see this." He held his hand out, beckoning me over to the glass. When I reached his side, I was speechless. If I had thought the view from the ground was gorgeous, this put that to shame. I could see down across the river and over the whole city, all the way to the far edges, which were no more than a large band of indistinct light.

"This is incredible," I breathed, turning to face Tom. "Thank you." He moved to place his hands on my waist and draw me close, so that my body was flush against his. "Tonight's been amazing Tom," I murmured into his chest.

"You mean it?"

I tilted my head to look up at him. "Of course I do! Why wouldn't I?"

"Well," he mumbled, "I was worried you weren't having fun."

"I've had a marvelous time. It's been the perfect night."

A smile lit his face. "I love you." He dipped his head and met his lips with mine. At first, the kiss was careful, gentle, but then it became heated, sucking all the air out of the small capsule. I ran my hands through his hair, earning a slight moan. My back hit the railing in front of the glass and I stopped. Without hesitation Tom hoisted me up onto the bar. My knees rested right above his hips and his hand laid on the small of my back, holding me against him. My hands roamed over his shoulders, feeling the slight musculature underneath his shirt.

The slight motion of the wheel stopped and I looked behind me in confusion.

"They're just starting to let people off darling, nothing to worry about."

I turned back to face Tom and laughed. His hair stood in odd places, the blonde curls mussed, and his shirt was wrinkled. The top three buttons had come undone and I blushed. I didn't remember doing that, but obviously I had.

The swoosh of the door opening on the other side of the capsule pulled my attention away. We were back at the bottom where we had started. I smiled at the operator, hoping desperately I didn't look as flushed as I felt. Tom raked a hand through his hair and we exited, walking back out towards the car. Tom held out his arm and I looped mine through it like some sort of Jane Austen novel.

When we reached the car, he opened the door and bowed his head slightly. I laughed, shaking my head, as I got in.

This time I didn't ask where we were going. I was exhausted from the long day and I just wanted to get to bed. I was in luck. Tom pulled into the parking lot of a nice looking hotel and pulled our luggage out of the car. I waited in the lobby while he checked us in at the desk. He returned soon with our room key and we got into the elevator and walked down the hall to the room.

Our accommodations were lovely: a small bathroom, a pull-out couch in front of a TV, and a queen-sized bed. Tom took a quick shower and I got in after he was done. I didn't even bother unpacking first, I just grabbed my pajamas out of my bag and zipped it back up.

When I came out of the bathroom, I found Tom already asleep in the bed. I chuckled as I turned the lights off and got into the sheets. I felt an arm wrap around my waist and tug me back until I felt Tom's chest against my back. "I thought you were asleep," I whispered.

"You took forever."

I laughed. "Sorry."

I felt him press a feather-light kiss to the back of my neck. "Goodnight my love."

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