The calm

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The "vacation" went on much the same as that day from then on. Every day without fail Tom would take me out to do something. We went shopping in town, saw a movie, and ate a few lunches out, but more often than not, we found ourselves wandering through the woods behind the house.

As much as I loved the city, with it's hum of civilization and never-ending movement, I had to admit that the country was beautiful as well. I would never want to live so far away from everything, but it was a nice escape from the noise and bustle of University. 

Tom's family continued to be just as friendly and welcoming as before. It amazed me how easily they had made me feel at home. They were all so sweet, and I felt so welcome in their home. 

During these days, everything felt good, but as much as we tried to avoid thinking about it, there was still a funeral to attend. As the day grew nearer, the strain became more evident in the house. I especially noticed that Tom didn't talk so much, that his smile didn't put the same gleam in his eyes as it usually did. I didn't say anything though, knowing that there was never anything you could say to someone who had lost someone close. All you could do was be there, so I was trying to give him some space. 

The night before the funeral, we ate dinner in almost complete silence. Several attempts at conversation were made, but every one fell into the same awkward quiet. Afterwards, we all retreated to our respective rooms to go to sleep. The silence persisted as Tom and I got into bed. He laid just as he had for the past week, with his chest to my back, pulled the duvet over us, and held me close. Internally, my thoughts warred with themselves. If he really needs something, he'll ask...but then again, what if he's not asking because I haven't made myself available for talking to?

Eventually, I decided to go with my former idea, and just let him process this in his own way. I laced my fingers with his, and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. He squeezed back, and sighed. "Goodnight my love."

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