Just the start

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God, what was- ugh. Snooze.


I hauled myself out of bed, already not in the mood for class. I dressed in the most comfortable things I had: an old t-shirt and some jean shorts. They were paired with my Converse for a supremely lazy outfit, but it was one of those days where I just couldn't find the energy to care. Here we go I thought.


And that was pretty much how school continued for the next few weeks. I eventually got back into the swing of things and fixed my sleeping schedule, but life was pretty uneventful. All I ever had time for was school and sleep. Tom and I would walk to and from classes and hang out every night, just like before the break. Every time he greeted me in the mornings with a small knock on my door, it felt just like how we were before. That feeling was silenced, however, when I opened the door and got a lovely kiss from Tom. 

Several weeks after we came back, Tom and I were walking home from class one day, when I spotted a theater sign taped to one of the billboards around the grounds. "'Actors and actresses wanted for the Cambridge Theater Troupe's production of A Streetcar Named Desire'," I read aloud, "Tom, you should do it!"

"Gabi, I've never really done any acting, I-"

"Oh, come on. You and I used to do plays together in the library and your mom told me how you liked to put on little skits for her when you were a kid. You'd be great."

He sighed, "Alright, on one condition." 

I didn't like the sound of that.

"You have to do it with me."

"Tom, no." I said.

"Please," he pleaded, "it'll be so much fun, and we could rehearse together, please!"

"Fine," I relented. I mean how bad could one play be? It wasn't broadway, it was a school play. I imagined the students in my class acting out Lewis and Clark, just like in 4th grade and had to work very hard to stifle my laughter. It might even be entertaining. 

"Great! This is going to be awesome!"

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