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An amazing Interview with the amazing RealisticWriting .

Since it's holiday season, how are you enjoying your holidays?

I've been giving gifts to my friends and my family. It's nothing special, really. It just makes me happy to see my friends open up their gifts and we laugh about it.

The Rapid Fire

When is your Birthday?

My birthday is on December 27.

Best thing in your life?

Rock music. And books.

The one thing you regret the most in your life till this date—

My first book on Wattpad -- and the next three -- were horrible Percy Jackson fanfictions. My biggest regrets are writing and posting them.

Would you Rather

Would you rather have your book published but now have as much readers as your expected or write on wattpad and have millions of readers ?

I would rather write on Wattpad and have millions of readers. Millions of readers = millions of friends.

Would you rather always have to say everything on your mind or never be able to speak again?

I would rather have to say everything on my mind. In fact, I do it everyday.

Would you rather know when you are going to die or know how you are going to die?

I would rather know how I'm going to die in the future, so I can prepare for it and maybe even prevent it.

The Explanation Segment

If you want to publish one of your book which one would it be and why?

I wouldn't want to publish any of my Wattpad books. Heck, I don't even want to post them onto Radish or Swoon Reads or Tablo or whatever to get money. In my opinion, writing is a hobby, and I wouldn't want to get money for it. Besides, my books on Wattpad are terrible and have tons of grammar errors. In the future, I might publish some of my books, but those books will not be posted on Wattpad.

What is the most different quality of your that most of the other authors on wattpad don't have?

I reply to every single message I am sent, unless it's hate or a book self-promotion. I try to interact with my readers by posting thank-you messages on their message boards. If we're talking about the uniqueness of my books, it would probably be the fact that I experienced all the pain and sadness that my characters experienced when they are insulted or hurt. I think firsthand experience is what brings me past some of the other writers, not to brag, though.

Any shoutout to anyone special? Any friends? Haters? Favourite Authors?

Thank you to everyone, especially Leila, Fury, Rayna, Ann, Jenn, Nat, Katie, Anha, Daffy, and Laylaa. You guys are awesome, and I love every one of you.

What's your opinion on the hating going around all over the Wattpad. Since we can see a lot of famous authors are leaving Wattpad bc of the haters. What's your opinion on it? How do you personally handle haters?

I hate haters. I personally handle them by muting them and reporting them. That is all.

Are you on Santa's Naughty list or nice list?

I'm probably on the naughty list. I've done a lot of terrible things in my life. Hehe.

Thank you so much for giving me a chance to participate in this interview! I really appreciate it.

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