Chapter 5: The Return

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Third Person's POV
"Dad it appears that Dr. Quinzel has returned along with a kid with green and red blue streaks." The flying Grayson says as he looks at the monitor.

Why?! The bat thought. He remembers the promise he swore to her.

"Alfred prepare the batmobile I'm going somewhere!" Batman commanded and left immediately.

It was an hour before midnight when Lucy was put to sleep in Harley's old apartment. Harley couldn't seem to sleep despite the place she is in. He could find out of me here anytime soon. What if he finds out about the power of Lucy what would he do? Harley thought.

Harley decided to fix the things of Lucy. As she fixes all her daughter's stuff she can't help but to look through Lucy's secret treasure box. She opened it with a hairpin and saw some stuffs that she thinks are not suppose to be in their.

A leaf? A tooth? Friendship bracelet from Gwen? A mask? An unopened letter?

Harley looked at the letter and a note was left before it can be opened.

'Never open this until you find out who really is your father'

Harley gasped at the statement and look at her daughter who is sound asleep. Could it be? Did Joker met Lucy once? Even if we were in Brooklyn? Many thoughts ran through Harley's head and so she read the letter.

Dear Lucy,
I know that your mother must've denied or didn't ever tell you who your father really is but yes I am your father , the one and only Jack Napier aka Joker the clown prince of crime. Remember the time a guy on a purple Lamborghini with green hair like yours gave a mask to you. Well that was me. Probably your mother would be the first to read this letter coz i know what a caring mother she is. It's okay if your mother doesn't agree on seeing me or introducing me to you coz I know myself. I'm insane. Take care of yourself for me will yah kid? Your mother swore to me she will live for me so do the same thing okay?

Your insanity,
Mistah J

P.S Harley if you read this first it's okay coz I'm letting you go just live for me will yah?

Harley doesn't know how must she face this regret? Happiness? Safety? Longing? Fear? All her emotions were mixed up until a certain guy on a bat-like costume appeared.

"Why on earth will you be here Harley?" The bat asked with his signature deep voice.

"Mr. Parker told me I should go here to keep Lucy safe from organizations that found out about Lucy. He told me this would be a safe place since you don't allow any other place agencies here." She explained and secretly put all of the treasure of Lucy on the box.

"Hmmmm... As a matter of fact there is only one agency that I allowed to enter Gotham City."

"What then?"

"S.H.E.I.L.D the one that fought against HYDRA"

"If I go to that agency will we be safe?"

"I do trust them so that would be a yes."

Harley sighed but eventually decided to stay since she felt like Joker really put her away.

"I think I'll stay a little longer here."

"Hmmmm it won't be a trouble crime rates has lessen anyways."


"He's no longer showing up so I assumed he gave up."

"Okay I'll see you then."

Harley's POV

Should I see him or not? I can't keep myself quiet as fidget may fingers and walking around the apartment. He seems so nice and changed on that letter. I can't deny the fact that I miss him. Wait what time is it?

1:15 am

This could be a good time to pay him a visit. I fixed myself still dressed like normal person and wearing my glasses. I put bullets on my gun in case my guts are wrong. I brought out my motorcycle that I used when I chase him. As I went to the familiar alleyway my heart shook as memories flash. I parked my motor on the sidewalk and removed my helmet. Hmmmm nothing is changed except that things became older.

I walked in the old hideout and held out my gun. Walking around silently as I see nobody inside. Weird they must've moved out. I stood in the middle that has only one light switch looking around and mesmerizing the place as I remember those days when I was still Harley Quinn.

I heard a growl from behind and so I pointed my gun to where the sound came from.

A dog like shadow appeared until he came out of the from the darkness.

"I know you" I giggled as two hyenas ran to me and stopped growling.

"How's my Bud and Lou?" I asked and scratched then all over.

After a short reunion with the hyenas a sound of a door echoed. I hid behind a wall waiting for a certain person. I cautiously went to our old kitchen and just before I entered the room I saw someone getting bottles of beer from the fridge. I didn't quite see him so I assumed it was Hutch.

"Piece of shit!" He cursed as he drank one and threw across the room.

"This not the clown prince of crime!"

Make no mistake it is Puddin. I peeped again holding my gun tightly and saw him holding a picture, tons of broken glass across the room, and my baseball bat on the table.

I should leave I found what I need. It's already near 4 am Lucy might be worried sick of me if she's awake.


Son of a nitwit! Why would you fuckin step on a glass without knowing!!!!????

"Whose there?!" He asked.

It's now or never you have to show yourself Harley.


I ran to the exit as fast as I could good thing I ain't wearing heels. I saw my motorcycle and immediately got out my keys to start the engine.

"You ain't going anywhere intruder!!!!!!"

Oh noooooo..... start immediately baby....

His coming near! The engine finally start and I was able to get away from his attack using my bat. Right before I could get a bit far from him he threw my bat at me hoping it would hit me but totally missed. I went back for the baseball bat and looked at him with a hysterical smile I used to do.

"Thanks for the bat Puddin!" I yelled and left him with his sober anger.

That was fun Ahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaa

Joker's POV
She can't be here right? Why on earth will she pay me a visit? Well I'm wasted anyway but I clearly saw her hair and face. Don't tell me she returned to being a psychiatrist? Coz that's definitely insane enough for me to take her back but who am I? I'm Joker and I so myself in the letter that I will stay away from her since she wants Lucy to have a peaceful life.

Who am I kidding I've lost my gang because of this I've become bankrupt because of Harley. I don't even have the guts to face Batman.

I miss her

I want to see my daughter but I don't think she wants to.

Lucy does look a lot like me. Green hair, lips as red as blood, eyes as hysterical looking as mine. She is also as beautiful as her mother.

I sighed to the fact that I am pathetic and this is the first time the clown prince of crime was down.

Where could she be? I laid down my bed and thought of so many things. Until I fall asleep.

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