Getting Close

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He got to the pool hall where Seth was already there, pool stick in hand with the balls in place on the table. Roman was actually excited for this guys night out, except Dean who was probably busy sleeping and getting drunk. They didn't mind it but it was too much and wish Dean would stop.

"Hey dude, ready to get beat?" Seth chuckled.

"Yeah right. I'll warn you on one thing. If it's not wrestling I'm good at, it's pool." Roman said with confidence even though he haven't played pool since him and Katrina's honeymoon.

"Whatever. Let's just play." Seth rolled the balls around in the rack before removing it to set up his play. He straightened his stick up to get ready to shoot but before he did, he looked up to see Katrina running in the hall to find Roman. Ever since Roman introduced Katrina to the guys, he's been in love with her in the worst way. Not only was he romantically in love with her, he was sexually in love with her. He knew it was wrong but he couldn't help it. She was so beautiful and slender with her brunette hair with a touch of red streaks, her perfect body shape, everything about her he wanted.

"Roman," She walked up behind him carrying a pink lunch box that belonged to Cassie. "You forgot to give Cassie her lunch. Can you go back to the school and give it to her please?" 

"Hey babe sure. How did you find me here?" 

"I figured you'd be here. Hello Seth." 

"Hey Katrina." His voice trembled a bit when she spoke to him. Her voice was like a gift from an angel and everytime he heard her talk, it drove him crazy. Roman toke the lunchbox from Katrina, kissing her on the forehead. 

"I'll be back Seth. You coming hun?" Seth stepped in before she could get a word out.

"How about we have a round of pool?" Seth laughed wanting her to stay.

"Well, I guess it'll be fun to play a round. I haven't played in a while and I need a break from house work. 

"Yes." Seth whispered under his breath. 

"Okay we'll I'll be right back." Roman said and headed out the door. Seth then looked to Katrina who was looking relaxed in her hip tightened, jeans and low cut red blouse. This was turning him on and he couldn't help it. He wanted this woman bad. Sometimes it slipped his mind that him and Roman were best friends and making a move on his wife would ruin everything. 

"So, you ready?" Seth asked a little nervously.

"Sure." She grabbed her stick and moved to the side Seth was standing at and bent over to level her stick on the first ball. He stepped back to look at her butt that was clear as day in her jeans. He tried to stop himself but he couldn't. It was beautiful and he wanted her to be in that position forever. She shot the balls and it went in every direction. Only two made it in the upper right hand corner pocket.

"Shoot, I use to be good at this game." She said disappointed. Seth put his arm around her shoulder to comfort her.

"Don't worry once you practice more you'll get the hang of it." He smiled at her with his arm still around her shoulder. He didn't want to move it. He inhaled the scent of her perfume deeply. He really wished she was his and it made him mad and upset at the same time that it bothered him. No one else knew the big attraction he had towards him but himself. He didn't tell Dean and sure as hell didn't tell Roman. What kind of friend would he be? 

"You're right, she smiled up at him "Maybe if I practice enough now I can impress Roman when he comes back." 

"Yeah maybe." He hated when she said his name. This is how bad it was. He wanted his name to be the one she says and not Roman's. 

She continued to practice shooting pool until she got tired. She wanted something to drink and rest her arms.

"Would you get me a drink please?" 

"Sure thing. Anything specific?" He hoped she would go for a beer.

"Water would be good." Sighing heavily under his breath, he went to the bar to get some water.

"Your wife?" The bartender asks.

"Nah friend's wife." He wanted to say yes but he knew it wouldn't help any.

"Too bad man, she's hot. The bartender said sounding a little creepy.

"I know right." Seth said, leaning on the edge of the bar. He asked for a beer and toke a drink still watching her taking off her shoes and sitting down. 

"Well, I guess I'd better give her her water. Seth said standing up felling a little woozy already from the beer.

"Good luck man." The bartender said watching him walk away while he fixed another customer's drink. He gave Katrina her water and sat next to her. 

"Thank you Seth." 

"No problem." Seth answered with his breath smelling of beer. He looked up at the door seeing Roman walk in after taking Cassie her lunch.

"Hey anything I missed?" 

"I shot a couple rounds at pool to get a little better at it." Katrina said. "Can we go home now? My arms feel a little tired." 

"Sure thing sweety, you wanna wait until I come back Seth?" Roman asked. He wanted to go home with them so he had to come up with an idea quick.

"Uh I was thinking, Seth started still thinking of an idea as he talked, "We can always play pool, how about I come over and we could watch something?" He hoped that it would work and he would say yes.

"Uh okay sure." Roman said kind of confused by the suggestion but he went along with it anyway. Seth was still a little drunk and had a great idea for wanting to go home with them. He wanted to get closer to Katrina.

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