Brother's Betrayal (Directors Cut)

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So I decided to make an a cut out of the story from ch 8 I was originally going to use. Let me know which one was better!

Roman sat by his wife Katrina contemplating his future with her. He didn't see it clearing up anytime soon and was afriad. Afraid of the outcome his family would be in. He slowly turned towards her looking at the wedding ring on her finger and began to sob.

"Roman what's wrong?" Katrina asked not wanting to know what the answer was but still concerned. He toke in a deep breath and toke her right hand grasping it firmly. He looked her in the eyes, red and burned with dissapointment. 

"Katrina. I'm sorry." She looked puzzled as he slowly removed the wedding ring from her finger. He slowly got up from the bed, opened up the window of the floor they were on, and tossed the ring out  the window. No remorse. Not anymore. She gasped and the sight and screamed feeling like her heart just shattered inside of her. She rushed to the window looking out of it in disbelief at what he had done. He slowly walked towards the door, looked back one more time at his once beloved wife, and shut the door leaving without a word. Her chest burned from the ache of what she had just seen. Everything was over for her. She wouldn't see her lovely daughter anymore. No more kissing her husband goodnight or goodmorning and it was all her fault. 

Back at home.

She was released from the hospital on her own and homeless. She had no where to go and no one to be with. She sunkenly walked down the street to the bar clenching her right fist of where her wedding ring once was. She sat on the stool and told the bartender to keep it up until she passes out. To everyone around her, and her friends knowledge, she slipped some pills in her pocket before leaving her home to try and fix thing s with Roman at WWE. She quietly without anyone noticing slipped the pills in her drink, closed her eyes and gulped down the substance. She felt her heart race again and dizziness overflow her mind. The pressure continued untill she slipped into a dark phaze passing out and peacefully went into eternal slumber. 

I wasn't thinking of using this bit for ch 8 because I was afraid it would be too short and wouldn't work out good but I'll let you guys decide!

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