A break

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He covered his face with his hands hearing nothing but babies and adults crying in the hospital. He couldn't believe what heppened right in front of him just an hour ago. All he could replay in his head was seeing Katrina falling over and watching her chest movements come to a hault right in front of him. He felt tears swell up in his eyes thinking about how this might be the last time he saw and talked to her. But questioned himself as to why he cared so much for the woman that went against everything she loved to hurt his family. Roman picked Cassie up from school early to maybe see her mommy for the last time. He watched her little girl play with someone else's daughter by the toy ring stacker. He couldn't help but smile in this time of dispair. He quickly turned around to see a woman crying into what looked to be her sister's arms as she just heard someone in her family had died. He punched the table in front of him, making everyone in the waiting room to stare at him.

"What?! Do you all have a problem?" He screamed out. The whole room went silent and went back to what they was doing. He ran to the front desk getting even more angrier and impatient.

"Can you please tell me when it's okay to see my wife?" He choked. 

"Sir, you're going to have to wait like everyone else. Now please sit down." The assistant calmly said. He tried not to loose his temper and destroyed this place. All he could do was sit and do what the woman told him. 

Five minutes later he looked up to see Tamina, Seth, Dean, and John all coming in the front door to see Roman slumped down in his chair. 

"Wait, why is Seth here?" he thought. After what happened in the locker room, he had no intention of dealing with Seth right now. He's just too depressed and doesn't need anymore drama to add to his life.

"Hey Roman, I'm sorry about what happened. Are you alright?" John asked as everyone behind him followed in agreement to his question.

"I guess." He murmured out. Tamina went over to hug him and massage his shoulder.

"She's strong Roman, she'll pull through." tamina tried to assure him. 

"Roman...I'm sorry." Seth spoke up. Roman glanced at him from the corner of his eye, not wanting to jump up and beat him again 'till he was in a hospital bed too. Roman didn't say anything. He kept looking down at his golden wedding ring still wrapped tightly around his finger. Seth was just too afraid to go over to him right now, scared he might hurt him again. His face was already swelling from the bruises Roman gave him on his eye and the side of his face. Dean pulled Seth to the side to give him a little pep talk.

"Look, I'm  not happy what you did to Roman dude, and it takes real guts for a man to admit he was wrong and you're gonna have to find a way to make it up to him." He explained. Seth whispered back,

"I know. I feel like hell every time I think about it. I didn't mean to end our friendship just because my hormones got in the way. I want to try and talk to Roman so we can make out a truce." Dean saw Seth was about to cry through his half shut eye. He needed to patch their triple bromance right now or there won't be anymore 'the shield'. 

"Wait here." Dean said swirling around to John whispering his plan. John quickly went to Tamina and whispered the same thing as she got up. 

"Roman, were going to the snack machine. Want anything?" Tamina asked. Roman sighed. 

"No." he said hoping they would leave so he could be in sorrow alone. Tamina toke Cassie and they went down the hall to let Seth speak one on one to Roman. He was still scared to sit next to him but he had to. If he wanted his friendship back with the guy that's been there for him since day one, he needed to suck it up and get on with it. He slowly made his way to where Roman was, still staring at his ring and sat beside him looking at him. Roman slowly turned his head still down to look at Seth who was battered, bruised, and emotionally hurt. Seth twiddled his fingers nervously but just all of a sudden broke down in tears.

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