What am I doing?

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The whole car ride to Roman's house was nothing but complete silence. All I could think about was Katrina and how much I wanted her. I toke a couple glances from the backseat window to Katrina's reflection in the passenger seat. 

"Damn I want her so bad." I said in my head. I looked towards Roman with envy. Lucky idiot. How did he manage to get her and I didn't? It was just unfair. She was so beautiful and poised. I could smell a scent of apple cinnimon from her hair. Even the way she texted on her phone was beautiful. 

"Anywhere else you need to go before we go home Seth?" Roman asked me glancing back at me while also trying to drive down the busy road. Startled, I woke up from my trance hoping he didn't notice me staring at Katrina.

"No. I'm good." 

"You sure?" This time I wanted to scream at him to shut the hell up and keep driving. He already asked me once, why did he ask again?

"Yeah I'm sure." I said in a calm voice still awaiting to get to his house quicker. 

It seemed like his house was across the country, the car ride was so long, I started playing Temple Run on my phone out of boredom. It felt shorter before. maybe because we was all together with Dean, and since he made every car ride crazy, it only toke what felt like minutes to get to Roman's house. I was just hoping Roman had to go out for something again so I can be alone with Katrina for a while and I can make my move. I didn't know what to do. Iv'e been friends, mostly brothers with Roman since we met in NXT and we've been there for each other since then. I could go to Roman for anything and he would break his back for me. I know I still got Dean, but Roman was always the one I always called for help.

"Why am I thinking like this?" "What am I doing?" I asked myself shamefully. I was being selfish and I hated it. I don't want our friendship to end because of a women but this is how crazy in love I was. I wanted this woman so bad but she's already happy with Roman. I just hope I can keep from lusting for this woman before I screw something up bad.

At Roman's house

We finally got to Roman's house. We all got out the car and headed to the shaded front porch so Roman could open the door. I was standing behind Katrina wanting to turn he around and completely devour her lips while Roman would try and pry me away from her. I had the urge to do it so bad but I kept my composure inside while we walked in. I walked into the living room and sat on the couch while both of them went to the kitchen to get snacks. Roman playfully wrapped his muscular arms around her waist and kissed her shoulder while she was reaching to get the popcorn. They just held each other for a moment. All I could do was look away in anger trying not to break his glass coffee table. 

"Seth what do you want to drink?" Roman yelled across to me in the living room.

"Beer. Just beer." I said in an annoyed tone.

"I thought you didn't drink beer?"

"Well I do now." That's wahen he stared at me in a confused way but got two beers from the fridge anyway. Katrina had already gotten the popcorn fixed and sat beside me with the bowl. I all of a sudden felt a little better, happy that she sat right next to me.

"So think we'll ever have a real game of pool?" I asked her with a smile.

"Hmmm maybe. That is if you'll teach me more." She said smiling back. "Oh I'll teach you more than to play pool sweety." I said in my head even though I wanted to say it directly to her face.

"Haha don't worry I'll teach you." Blushing until Roman plopped down giving me my beer and resting his arm around her shoulder. It was time for me to shut up once again and be pissed off about the same thing.

"Alright let's get this started." He said, but before he could press play the phone in the kitchen rang.

"Ughh hold on." He groaned getting up to answer. All I could do was anticipate on hearing the words 'I gotta leave real quick.' But I all heard was 'uh huh', 'yeah', and 'okay'. That meant something and I just sat and closed my eyes wishing he would leave. 

"Guys, I'll be right back. That was the school and the principle said Cassie felt sick so I guess I have to pick her up, go to the store to get some soup and bring her home."

This was perfect! I toke a gulp of my beer trying to think of another quick scheme to keep her here with me.

"Uh you want me to go ahead and start the movie and we can tell you about it when you get back?" What a stupid excuse but I had nothing else. Maybe it'll work. I toke another sip of my beer while he got his car keys once again.

"Yeah, whatever I need to go see how Cassie is doing, see you guys soon." He was obviously worried about Cassie to care enough what lame excuse I had to stay here with Katrina. He slammed the door behind him and the sound of tires screeching echoed around the house. I felt drunk already from just a couple of gulps. This was perfect. 

I stared her down. The house was quite and had a cooling temperature but the touch of her thigh next to mine warmed me up instantly.

"So are you going to start the movie?" she says to me after four minutes have passed of complete silence.

"I got an even better idea." I said in my half drunk voice. I scooted closer to her sliding my arm around the other side of her waist pulling her nearly ontop of me and kissed her softly holding her. I didn't want to let go of her and I couldn't help it. I had to kiss her. I wanted to know how soft those lips were. She sat there trying to catch her breath. She must have been too confused to know what was going on and I liked it that way. I pulled away and grinned in her eyes.

"Wh-what was that for?" She asked softly and a little scared. I tickled her chin with my finger still smiling at her.

"Iv'e been in love with you for a while now and I want you Katrina." I said seductively.

"What about...Roman?" 

"Forget about Roman, come to my house right now." I knew exactly where I was going from here.

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